Choose Your Tarot Card
Interactive tarot reading is fun and you never know what the universe will have to say to you for the upcoming week.
If you have never done this kind of reading before, it is very simple. I have always loved readings where you pick your own cards and let the cards chose the answers for you.
Look at the image above and relax, focus on the first card that draws you in and that card will connect with your personal energy. Ready?
Once you have picked your card, you can scroll down to see it revealed then read the information for the week that carries your journey with it.
All the cards were drawn reversed this week, which is unusual but my guess is that the ending of Mercury Retrograde may have something to do with it. Like a clock ticking backwards and affecting a different outcome than expected. Good luck with your Tarot pick for this week!
Tarot Card Draw #1: Reversed Eight of Cups
The Eight of Cups is about disappointment in something that means a lot to you. It could be a relationship, career or finances and feeling it is not coming up to your hopeful expectations. Drawing this card reversed is actually a good thing in predicting an outcome for this week. It shows one of two things are getting ready to happen to you in the area where you feel the most let down in life. One: your energy has shifted and changed for the better in your outlook of a situation and you are now reflecting an upswing of hope and good expectations. Two: The universe wants you to have everything your heart desires and if it is not materializing, it is from your beliefs that keep you from receiving it, with open arms. So, the universe might do a little life lesson this week in gratitude by showing you a small downside when you don’t have faith and trust in a good outcome. It is what I tell my clients all the time: it is better to be pro-active about changing your negative outlook on life than have the universe do it for you. As the universe truly exists on the old saying “God doesn’t give you anything more than you can handle.” And the universe sees us as amazing creatures who are strong and can deal. So, does that give you an idea why you want to be in charge of changing your attitude to optimism and not have the universe give you the lesson? The reverse energy of this card draw is “GRATITUDE” and that will be the energy for you all week. Making you aware of what you have to be grateful for. The powers of creation are not big on pity parties, don’t know what they are, so they just don’t have the affect of changing anything to the better for you that you might be hoping for. Gratitude!
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Tarot Card Draw #2: Reversed Five of Pentacles
The Five of Pentacles is about your self-esteem and how you think others view you in the light of success or failure at being a human being. Being pulled reversed, it can indicate a turn around to the better for a health issue you may have been dealing with or a big “aha” moment of self-awareness, pointing out to you how really awesome you are by being put in a situation where you have to stand up for and believe in yourself, big time! Whatever is presented to you this week as your opportunity to “show em what you got!” will change the course and direction of what you are desiring to bring about in a big way. There is just nothing small about the awareness of what you can really accomplish if you believe in yourself and stand up for yourself this week and the universe will give you that opportunity. You will be given the chance to show someone how awesome you are and they have totally underestimated you. Whether it be a boss, a partner, a family member, friend or just a casual encounter; what transpires will send you the message of what you can really do if you just believe in yourself.
Tarot Card Draw #3: Reversed Knight of Wands
The Knight of Wands is about feeling the freedom to express who you really are and having that personal freedom through the belief in yourself. All the cards pulled this week seem to have the same theme of personal growth and expansion. Since this card was pulled reversed, it is an obvious indication that your personal sense of freedom will come from an unexpected source. Kind of being blind-sided in a good way. Wherever this feeling of freedom stems from: leaving the job you hate, leaving an abusive relationship or finally telling your mother-in-law to “mind her own business”, it will have a puffed-up chest feeling for you. You might not even be aware of it at the moment but when you reflect back on the encounter, you will just feel and know; “score one for you!!!!!” If our power of feeling free and authentic in life is taken away from us, either of our own accord or by allowing others to do so, life can truly feel like a prison of never getting what you want from life. Your life boundaries will feel expanded and you may just take a chance on something that you never have done before. All because of that moment of feeling free of a negative view of yourself.
I would like to know the direction the univers has chose for me? Whether it bé Medical Billing and Coding or what profession is it I am supose to follow?
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Psychic Susan Z