Interactive Tarot Reading

Welcome to your Interactive Tarot Reading of the week! We’re saying goodbye to May and slowly reading the equator of the year! I hope it’s been a good one! Are you ready for your interactive Tarotscope?

If you don’t have experience with interactive readings, let me explain real quick how it works!

All that you have to do is take a deep breath, focus on your situation, and choose one of the three cards on the image above to get your love forecast. Ready?

If you have set your eyes on a card already, the next step is discovering the message behind it! Scroll down to see the cards revealed!


tarot reading

If you chose number one, your card is The Queen Of Pentacles…

If you’re single, The Queen Of Pentacles is asking you to take it easy, particularly if what you want is to settle down and get into a long-term relationship. Make sure that your actions match your intentions and let go of suitors that are not living up to what you expect from them as potential partners. If you are in a complicated relationship, this week you will be carrying most of the wait of the relationship and you will need to be patient, for your romantic interest will not be very available to you.

For those in a settled relationship, The Queen Of Pentacles speaks about nourishment and dedicating time to your partner. A homemade meal or some other sort of special token of affection can make a difference in your relationship this week. Be thoughtful and let your partner know how much you appreciate them in a way that they can touch and feel. If you are going through a break-up, it’s not the time to try and fix things, although there is a glimpse of hope still, but not the right time to act.

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If you chose number two, your card is Strength…

If you are single and looking, you need to be more subtle in your approach. This is a week to keep your interest “low key” and adopt a more passive style of seduction, avoiding great displays of interest. If you are in a situationship, it is the right moment to be cunning and test your romantic interest’s investment in the relationship. Let them be the ones who make a move if they are truly into you.

If you are in a relationship, it is a good moment to bring up subject that cause disharmony between you and your partner and deal with them in constructive ways. It may be uncomfortable at first, but bringing any issues that you’re keeping up to the surface will help you make your relationship stronger. If you are going through a break-up, things have the chance to be fixed, though it will require mutual cooperation.

If you chose number three, your card is The Four Of Pentacles…

If you are single, it may be time to take a moment to go through your dating strategy. While you may feel that you are open to what may come, actually your behaviour can be perceived as unavailability by those you take an interest in. If you are in a situationship, things are not going to make any progress this week and you may feel that your romantic interest is particularly disengaged and hard to reach.

For those in a relationship, The Four Of Pentacles speaks about getting a bit too much comfortable, so much that your relationship risks being taken for granted! It is time to make the intentional commitment to work for your relationship and do what it is necessary to bring back the interest and the thrill! If you are going through a break-up, it looks like the decision is settled.

Did you enjoy your weekly Interactive Reading and want more? I’m available for an in-depth reading at the 7th Sense Psychics section and I will be more than glad to work with you! Have a wonderful day!


Mia is a Tarot and Lenormand reader and mentor with vast experience in the Occult. Her calling is to guide others through the most turbulent times in life as well as provide answers.

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