Into Each Life, a Little Rain Must Fall

I have always absolutely loved the rain. Many people find cloudy, rainy days to be depressing, but I am just the opposite. I feel energized by the rain and thrive on those damp, dreary days. When the weather gets like that, I often open all the blinds/curtains in my home and get busy cleaning.

I can remember, as a younger version of myself, washing my hair in collected rain water at my grandmother’s house. My hair and scalp just felt so much better afterward.

Unfortunately, I live in the Texas panhandle where rain is in very short supply. So, I try to make the best of it when it does bless our area.

A hugely popular song by The Carpenters from years ago speaks of how, “rainy days and Mondays always bring me down.” While I agree on the Mondays, I do not share Karen’s Carpenter’s sentiments for the rain. Guns N Roses sang about the cold November rain while the ever-popular nursery rhyme from childhood pleaded with the rain to just go away.
There are countless songs about the good and bad of rain and probably even more quotes about rain. The bad side of rain usually speaks of how rainy, cloudy days make people feel: depressed, lethargic, lonely and even hopeless.

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It has been proven that suicide rates are actually higher in areas prone to frequent rain. This really breaks my own heart because there are so many benefits to the it. I find it to be cleansing, purifying. It both comforts me and gives me hope.

Rain plays a key role in the Christian bible and some people even equate it to the Holy Spirit. Rain has been used for good through the nourishment of crops. It was also used in what many consider a negative way such as in the story of Noah and the ark. That does denote the cleansing benefits of rain in a rather dark way in that it did away with all the sinners, I suppose.

How ever you choose to view the rain, it is vital to our very existence. It is essential for life and growth. A lack of rain at just the right time will result in a poor yield come harvest. Many farmers and ranchers rely heavily on the rain.

Rain water is pure and much more beneficial to plants and crops than an irrigation system. It is cheaper as well. Plants and crops that receive more rain are more lush and just plain healthier.

Rain clears the air and, through run off, it works to replenish our water supplies. All living things, plant and animal alike, need water to survive. Thus, we desperately need the rain.

Tamara’s Verdict

The next time you find storm clouds brewing over head, choose to focus on the good. Look forward to the cleansing and overall renewal around you. Maybe set out a bucket or barrel to catch some rain water for use with your house plants or even in which to wash your hair. Just enjoy the life-giving waters from above.

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Having attained Master Level at Mediumship, Tarot, Energy Work and general Psychic Readings, Tamara (Tami) has a great many years’ experience as a Spiritual Counselor, Psychic, Tarot Reader and Medium also. She is highly skilled at Numerology, Auras, Past Lives and Chakras and can help you determine your own psychic abilities; she is remarkably adept at simple questions as well as those most in-depth. As an award-winning writer with more than 45 years’ experience, Tamara (Tami) has provided original works to 7thsense on various subjects and writes the Daily Tarot Draw.

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