Is Your Bad Luck By Design Or Created By You?
The Italians have the “Malocchio,” which means “evil eye.” Italian folklore says that someone who gives the “evil eye” (look) can actually bring pain or misfortune upon someone else. Of course, they can always spit three times to their left and make it go away! Lol! Bad luck is just what it is, bad luck. We all have stretches of good fortune and then times when Murphy’s Law applies. If you are not familiar with Murphy’s Law, it is basically the belief that if something can go wrong, it will. That’s if you want to believe that it will!
Luck is an energy just like everything else but it also has many factors that come into play in your journey because of the way you wrote your life script. Some souls choose a life journey of struggle, seemingly bad luck and misfortune. Why? Only that soul knows. Others we see live a life that seems blessed with good luck without having to face a tremendous amount of challenge in their life. (Notice I didn’t say any but not a lot.) No one glides through life effortlessly without some mountain to climb.
I believe it is a combination of both; making your own luck by your positive attitude and “can do” approach to life and then sometimes, you just happen to be standing in the bad luck and misfortune line and no matter which way you turn, it turns to shit. For example: this week I replaced my air conditioning, main fuse box and water heater. Bad luck? and maybe the madder I got contributed to the rest of the things going wrong or it was just time for them to be replaced? What matters is how you view your bad luck. Do you identify with it or do you see it as a happening that you just have to deal with?
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If you believe your bad luck is personal, you will definitely have more of it and it will follow you through your life. No one is special enough to escape the experience of bad luck but if that is all you seem to be experiencing, it is time to look at the possibility that you believe bad luck is your bed partner versus just a visitor.
Here are five powerful thought forms to make and change your luck to help create your own future with only the natural occasional bad luck days here and there.
- Optimistic people naturally create lots of good luck. Studies have proven that more than 80 percent of people who feel they’re lucky actually work harder at creating their good luck. On the flip side, people who feel unlucky tend to believe that bad luck just happens (just to them, a lot) and that it isn’t something they have any power to change. So, tap into your optimism and begin creating your own good luck.
- Be open to any and all possibilities. Get to know as many people as you possibly can and build an extensive network who can help make your heart’s desire happen. Constantly be on the watch for potential opportunities, and work hard to make them happen.
- Listen to your inner guiding voice. Many do not listen to their intuition and then regret it. How many times have you said to yourself, “If only I had listened to myself?” The next time you have to make an important decision about the future; calm your thoughts, breathe deeply and you will be able to hear your inner voice clearer and louder and then act upon it.
- Reach for the moon! You’ve heard the saying, “Shoot for the moon and you might just catch some stars on the way down.” You can create your own luck by setting goals that you’re not sure you can achieve, going for it, working hard to make them happen and watch the new opportunities open up.
- There is no end game. In order to continue to create your own luck, you need to remind yourself that there is no end game, only the experience of what is happening in the moment. Never stop learning and growing and remaining optimistic. That is what will bring you the best luck of all–happiness and contentment with your life and who you are.
Susan Z’s Verdict
I grew up being told that you make your own luck and bad luck by word and thought and I taught my daughter the same belief. You can’t control outside forces that makes it feel like today an elephant is sitting on your head but you do have control over what you believe luck is….and that is the optimistic belief that you ARE lucky most of the time, and when you are not, well, no one shoots 100% everyday. There are bound to be days out of hell, so learn to ride them and not take them personally. Eventually, the bad luck elephant will decide to move on.
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