Jennifer Lawrence Will Not Apologize For Having Fun At A Strip Club

Try to humiliate Hollywood star Jennifer Lawrence and you’ll lose. It wasn’t so long ago that entertainment media covered every celebrity screw up, no matter how minute with a sense of glee. Every drunken night out, wardrobe malfunction and hacked photo were meticulously reported on. Today, these kinds of stories are reserved for bottom-of-the-barrel publications like RadarOnline, which attempted to shame the Oscar winner for having fun at an Austrian strip club last month. The story, which the publication dubbed as a “bombshell world exclusive,” described her “cutting loose like a low-rent gogo dancer in a Euro-trash strip club.” The website posted a video of the star dancing onstage at the club. But the publication’s attempts at humiliating the actress didn’t work. Lawrence addressed the video over Facebook, where she explained how she was celebrating a friend’s birthday and refused to apologize for having fun. What’s more, Radar claimed that Lawrence was dancing while only wearing a bra.

Lawrence didn’t take the account of the night lying down. In a statement posted to her official Facebook page, the “Passengers” star’s response to the trash talking RadarOnline on Instagram was real:

“Look, nobody wants to be reminded that they tried to dance on a stripper pole by the internet. It was one of my best friend’s birthdays and I dropped my paranoia guard for one second to have fun. I’m not going to apologize, I had a BLAST that night. P.S., that’s not a bra it’s an Alexander Wang top. Of course, this being Lawrence who is known for her self-deprecating wit in interviews, capped off her note with a dig at herself. She wrote. “And I’m not gonna lie, I think my dancing is pretty good. Even with no core strength.” “I’m not going to apologize, I had a BLAST that night.”

Lawrence next appears in Darren Aronofsky’s “Mother!” which opens in October.

Did Lawrence Make Her Point To Fans “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun”? Absolutely! She is a bit of an odd duck in Hollywood terms so I believe her fans were not surprised to see the video no matter what the explanation would have been! Lol! Possibly even garnering some new fans with her blatant honesty about the exposure.

Susan Z’s Conclusion:

Nine of Swords:
This card is of depression and emotional sadness. The card may indicate that negative press affects her more than she lets on and hides behind humor to cover up the hurt over the viciousness and pettiness.

Ten of Swords: Inverted (Upside Down)
This card is facing challenges and hard times in life. Since the card in inverted, I believe it indicates she has a great ability to make “chicken soup out of chicken shit” with most things that bother her.

Four of Cups:
This card is about feeling stuck and bored. I feel this card shows Lawrence’s attitude towards the petty gossip that goes along with her being a Hollywood star. Taking the general approach to those who generate the gossip with: “GET A LIFE!!!!”


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Susan Z Rich is an emotional addiction counsellor, spiritual intuitive and holistic therapist. She counsels others to see life in a more positive way and teaches personal accountability for life choices. She is also the author of several children’s books and Soul Windows … Secrets From The Divine.

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