Reality TV

Jessica Duggar 19 kids and counting have some weird dating rules

19 kids and counting

19 kids and counting have some weird dating rules

Jessica Duggar and Ben Seewald admitted to violating the sacred rules of courtship before marriage. You had better sit down for this one. The couple know that they are not allowed hand holding, hugging or any of that scandalous behaviour. So chances of her getting pregnant outside of wedlock are practically impossible unless he is overly fertile and she is standing downwind from him.

Now each to their own as I say, but the couple disclosed the earth shaking news that they have managed to text each other without a chaperone to monitor the messages. That’s what she thinks, her folks most likely have the monitoring equipment set up in their room and all messages are being censored. No, not really it’s just me letting my mind run astray. Well, every parent of a teenager will tell you that when you set boundaries with teenagers, they will be pushed and stretched to the limit and that appears to be what’s happened here. Well, they will be so preoccupied trying to do the things other couples take as normal, that they are very unlikely to get around to the dangerous stuff before the wedding. Good thinking parents perhaps.

Master Psychic Vincent’s Verdict.

What do the cards say about this couple? Well, I would reckon teen pregnancy is out of the question through text messages, but the Ace of Wands throws a positive energy around this couple. Regardless of what anyone outside thinks, they are happy to go along with it and the rules that apply, at least for the most part. The Fool Card is the card of stepping into the unknown and without the normal routine of courtship that nature has put in place, that’s what married life is going to be like. The Temperance Card shows that in the end peace will reign in their hearts and home. I wish them well on their journey.

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