Jim Carrey Will Go To Trial Over Wrongful Death Of His Irish Girlfriend
A judge has ruled that actor Jim Carrey will stand trial for the wrongful death of ex-girlfriend, Cathríona White.
Efforts by 55-year-old Carrey’s legal team to have proceedings thrown out were struck down by the Judge Deirdre Hill, who ruled the allegations he used his “wealth, influence and celebrity status” to procure prescription drugs for White should go to trial. Further, she ruled that the jury will hear evidence as to whether or not Carrey gave White a sexually transmitted infection. Carrey denies the charges brought against him and has previously described them as “malicious” and “predatory.” Carrey has previously spoken out about the pending lawsuit, calling it a “shakedown.” “What a terrible shame. It would be easy for me to get in a back room with this man’s lawyer and make this go away, but there are some moments in life when you have to stand up and defend your honor against the evil in this world,” White died in September 2015 following a drug overdose with Carrey attending her funeral as a pallbearer. Shortly after he learned of her death, Carrey paid tribute to her as, “a truly kind and delicate Irish flower, too sensitive for this soil, to whom loving and being loved was all that sparkled.”
Cathriona White was an undocumented immigrant and a Scientologist. White’s estranged widower, Mark Burton and mother, Brigid Sweetman, are suing for damages and according to reports, will refuse any settlement offered to them by Carrey. “In light of the court’s recent rulings entirely in our favor, we look forward to the trial in April. The public deserves to know the truth,” their attorney said about the decision.
Carrey’s attorney said his client had no intention of settling the case and told the media, “We are preparing for trial.” Carrey will answer questions about White’s suicide in a sworn deposition next month. The two complaints from White’s mother and estranged husband were consolidated into a single case with both claiming that Carrey obtained the drugs that killed White under the false name “Arthur King” and provided them to her, despite knowing she was prone to depression and had previously attempted suicide. Furthermore, they allege that Carrey gave White “three STD’s without warning her.” “He will now be forced to answer questions about how he gave Ms. White three STDs, humiliated and demeaned her, and then gave her the drugs she used to kill herself. We are counting the days until the truth is known.” Carrey’s attorney stated, “The truth has been known for some time. A troubled woman took her life and Jim Carrey had nothing to do with it. He’s looking forward to his deposition being taken because the truth ultimately will prevail, and there’s nothing in his deposition that is going to change the truth.” Both parties will also enter into mediation, although it is believed the case will be settled before trial.
Classic Case Of Two Unhinged People Coming Together To Self-Destruct With One Being The More Vulnerable
Susan Z’s Conclusion:
Carrey’s mental state has been in question for quite some time (have you seen him in any movies lately?) and it is not surprising that he would partner up with someone as unstable as himself. Unfortunately, the lawsuit is just what Carrey states it is, a shakedown of a high-profile actor with money but I feel ultimately it will be settled in a monetarily anyway.
Two Of Cups: Inverted (Upside Down)
This card is about new relationships. Being drawn inverted, spirit clearly states this relationship should have never started and was detrimental to both.
Princess of Pentacles: Inverted
This is young energy of new plans and creativity. Being pulled inverted, it shows the stagnant place where Carrey’s career and life is at the moment.
The Hierophant: Inverted
This card is teacher and healer coming into a life situation or being that. Since pulled inverted, I believe that Carrey did try to help this young woman but the broken cannot help the broken and the results are now both lives have been forever changed. One with the desperate act of suicide and the other with the humiliation of personal exposure and financial loss.
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