Is Kim Kardashian telling us the truth?
Fans were amazed at how Kim Kardashian got her figure back after the birth of her second baby “Saint West”. It has been reported that there is a reason she got her figure back in record time. And it was not because she is super woman. But more likely because she spent $100,000 on a quick ‘get your figure back in 24 hours’ fix. All a little pointless as she had to stay out of the limelight while healing from the surgery.
While it is totally her business what she chooses to do with her money. And no one could criticise her for that. She has to remember that there are millions of Women who went through the same birth process. Unlike Kim Kardashian, they were unable to achieve the 24-hour back to normal shape. Kim Kardashian had told them that she achieved this by healthy eating and exercising. This would be wonderful if it was achievable. But although I would never claim to be a Doctor, I doubt very much if this is humanly possible.
As a celebrity, Kim owes it to her fans, to be honest about something like this. There is no moral judgment about receiving surgery to help you on your way. But by lying about the process, to get there could have side effects. She left a lot of women looking in the mirror wondering what was wrong with them. Obviously, there was nothing wrong with them. They just took the natural route. But it would have been a big help if in showing empathy for her fellow woman. She had just come clean and told them from the onset.
Master Psychic Vincent’s Verdict.
What are the cards saying about this situation? The Three of wands point to Kim Kardashian’s responsibility to her public to look good. This is what they expect of her. And the public can be quite unforgiving when you stand in the public eye. This, of course, led to a confusion as to how to manage this. While knowing full well, that all Mothers gain baby weight as part of a very natural process. This was signified by the moon card which throws confusion into an otherwise straightforward situation. The Temperance Card shows that really all Kim Kardashian wanted was to put it all behind her. And once the baby arrived, move on and enjoy life with her new addition to her family. That is very easy to understand, but a little thought for your fans feelings would have gone a long way.
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