Kris Jenner Says Everything About Her in Caitlyn’s Memoir Is ‘All Made Up’

“None of it makes sense,” Kris Jenner says in a clip from Keeping Up with the Kardashians. She says she’s never been “more angry and disappointed in somebody in her whole life” after reading Caitlyn Jenner’s forthcoming memoir, The Secrets of My Life. In a clip of this week’s episode of Keeping Up with The Kardashians, Kris tells daughters Kim and Khloe Kardashian she’s deeply unhappy with how she’s portrayed in the book, which is due out on April 25. “I read it and basically the only nice thing she had to say was that I was great socially at a party one time. Kim replied; “But yet, he stayed married to you the longest. So, it doesn’t make sense. None of it makes sense,” Kris also added, “Everything she says is all made up. Why does everything have to be that Kris is such a bitch and an asshole?” Kris also specifically takes issue with Caitlyn’s claim that Kris knew about her ex’s struggle with gender identity throughout their marriage. I was curious and said, ‘What the hell is going on? You just would never understand,” Kris tells her daughters in the clip. “And then, all through the book, ‘Kris knew. Kris knew before I even made love to her. I’m like, ‘What?’

Caitlyn’s relationship with certain family members has changed since her transition. Kim in another clip continued: “None of it makes sense. Everything she says is all made up. My mum’s been putting in so much for them to have a good relationship for their kids together. Caitlyn has every right to feel however she feels, but why bring my mum into it one more time? I just feel so bad for my mum.” Kris then opened up about how she has tried to mend their relationship, explaining: “I really tried hard to improve the relationship and spend a little bit of time thinking that maybe there’s something here I’m not seeing. I’ve done nothing but open up my home and my heart to a person that doesn’t care, so I’m done. I’m not going to be used as a person who benefits someone else’s life just to make them look better. I just can’t sit back and be an enabler anymore.” Earlier in the episode, the former couple have a brief conversation when Caitlyn brought the book around, and Kris called it a “really positive step in a great direction” before reading the book properly. This reveal does not bode well for the rift ever mending between Caitlyn and the Kardashians. It may even be the start of loyalty conflicts between the Jenner girls and the Kardashian’s.

Is There Any Hope This Caitlyn Conflict Will See a Happy Solution?

Susan Z’s Conclusion:

No. You have way too many drama queens doing their thing here! Maybe sometime in the long future ahead.

Ten of Wands: Inverted (Upside Down)
This card represents a heavy burden to bear in some life situation. Because the card is inverted, I feel there has been an effort on everyone’s part to deal with Caitlyn’s transition but it emotionally weighs heavy on everyone and that will not change.

Nine of Wands:
This card represents working through difficulties. I believe this shows there will be efforts made (even if just for the TV ratings, lol!) to fix the feelings of betrayal but I do not see any healing happening.

The Sun:
This card represents joy and optimism. I feel this card shows that in the long run, everyone is only concerned about what makes them happy. Caitlyn has already chosen that and the rest of the family will do the same where she is concerned.


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Susan Z Rich is an emotional addiction counsellor, spiritual intuitive and holistic therapist. She counsels others to see life in a more positive way and teaches personal accountability for life choices. She is also the author of several children’s books and Soul Windows … Secrets From The Divine.

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