Kris Jenner Really Did Try To Talk Kim Kardashian Out Of Marrying Kris Humphries

Kris Jenner has her hands in all her daughter’s personal lives and business ventures and Kim Kardashian’s fiasco of a wedding to Kris Humphries was no exception. What is surprising is to hear Kris Jenner saying she tried to stop Kim from marrying Humphries on the night before her wedding. Hard to believe she would pass up a moment to bring in major viewers to their reality show but that is exactly what she said she did. As it turned out, it was definitely one of those moments when you should have listened to your mom. Lol! Even if it is Kris Jenner, ultimate momager who has a game plan for everything, including getting her daughters out of ill-advised weddings.

In the latest issue of The Hollywood Reporter, Jenner and all five of the Kardashian-Jenner daughters look back on more than a decade of fame and discuss some of their more interesting moments as a family, including that time Jenner tried to talk Kim Kardashian out of marrying Kris Humphries in August 2011. “The night before, my mom pulled me aside, off camera, and was like, ‘This isn’t it for you. Why don’t you go away and I’ll handle it?’” Kim told the magazine. “I felt like, if I pulled out now, everyone’s going to think I just did it for the show.” I have to wonder why there was no E! footage of the moment as this would have been a rating coup for KUWTK show. The outcome of the 72-day marriage was that even momagers know best when she sees a disastrous relationship on the horizon.

Kim relates that the uneasiness she felt about the wedding was so strong, even producers sensed it, she told the magazine. “There was all this attention on the wedding, and I thought maybe it was just the pressure of the show giving me this anxiety,” Kim explained. “My friends told me I just had cold feet, but even the producers said, “You don’t seem happy. You don’t have to go through with this.” Of course, Kim went through with it. She and Humphries married in an over-the-top ceremony that aired as a two-day, four-hour special on E!. The marriage lasted just 72 days before the reality star filed for divorce in October 2011. Kim basically explained the reason she went through with it was because she felt pressure to get married as she was turning 30. Wow! Get the walker and cane out on that one. Lol! Kim said she tried her best to stick it out for a year. “Afterwards, people were saying, ‘You have to stay married for a year,’ but I physically couldn’t do it. When I made the decision [to divorce], everyone said it was made up for the show.” “Everyone really wanted to take me down.” Jenner admits that was tough to see as mother. “People write and say the nastiest things and they’ve never met you,” the Kardashian matriarch said of her daughter. “They have miserable lives, they have no direction, and probably no job. I mean for anybody to sit and be on the Internet all day long. It always shocks me when I see such stupidity and really toxic energy.”

Susan Z’s Conclusion:

I have to say that as conniving as Kris Jenner is about managing the careers and personal lives of her daughters, she was truly concerned Kim was making a huge mistake. It might have been the comment Humphries made on one of episodes about “all of this glitzy life won’t matter anymore when you are living in Minnesota, fat and with a couple of kids,” If there ever was a death sound of a relationship, there it was. Can you just envision Kim stuck in suburbia with no cameras rolling?!

Three of Pentacles:
Future success in life endeavors. Kim Kardashian and Kris Jenner are all about success and the bank account, so this card is very apropos.

Lovers: Kim is one of those women who needs a man in her life and basically who ever shows up that fits her criteria, she is going for it.

Five of Pentacles: Inverted (Upside Down)
Low self-esteem and a less than mentality. Since pulled inverted, I believe this card shows that Kim felt Humphries was not sophisticated enough for her lifestyle and that is what really brought the relationship to an end. You think?


Susan Z Rich is an emotional addiction counsellor, spiritual intuitive and holistic therapist. She counsels others to see life in a more positive way and teaches personal accountability for life choices. She is also the author of several children’s books and Soul Windows … Secrets From The Divine.

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