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The Late David Bowie becomes a Grandad.

Duncan Jones

The Late David Bowie becomes a Grandad.

Above all the sorrow that the year has delivered, with the list of celebrities leaving us on their final journey, comes the sign of hope, and a message that this is the cycle of life. The Sign of hope came in a baby’s cry, a new life entered the world, six months to the day that his famous Grandad had passed away. Duncan Jones, the son of the late David Bowie, announced the birth of the mega stars first grandchild Stenton David Jones.

It is a reminder that this is the cycle of life, and regardless of who you are, you must enter this world, travel through it with all its ups and downs and bumps in the road, and then you must leave it, so the next generation can have their turn in the sunlight. David Bowie’s legacy will now live on. Regardless of what path Stenton decides to take in life, he started it as the first grandson of a very talented singer, who in the minds of many was more than a singer, he was an artist, and an icon of an era that will never fade in the hearts of those who loved his music.

Master Psychic Vincent’s Verdict.

What do the cards say for the future of little Stenton David Joans? Of course, these are early days, and the little man’s choices will be for him to make. But the Ten of Coins indicates a good head for learning, this is a bright little spark, who is attentive and hungry for knowledge, followed by the Ten of Cups which is the family cards, shows him wrapped in security and love, and he won’t travel this journey alone as he will be followed by siblings. The King of Wands, now this is the card his Grandad David Bowie would be happy to see, as it shows an in-depth talent in the arts that could mirror his Grandad. Watch this little flower grow, his potential is great.

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