Lena Dunham says sorry.

Lena Dunham American Actress, writer, producer, and director said on her LinkedIn profile that she is addicted to saying sorry. She finds herself almost apologising for everything because it’s the easier thing to do. Anything for peace is Lena’s motto. But don’t take this as a sign of weakness. No one gets to do all the stuff this lady has shown us that she is capable of doing, and gets walked on in the process.

She said that she had to overcome her addiction to the word sorry when presented with a challenge by her Dad, not to say sorry. So I assume she said Sorry Dad that I’m always saying sorry, I’m really sorry about that, just to get it all out of her system before she ventured into the land of not sorry. Or as she said herself more fully formed and honest sentiment.

Master Psychic Vincent’s Verdict.

What do the cards say for Lena? Well, Lena, there appears to be an offer coming from a Male, but it’s on the business line of things. This could lead to quite a nice steady cash flow. There are some who might say but doesn’t she have enough cash with all the stuff she does? To which I will answer “sorry” no, she works hard for her money so she deserves every penny. The King of Coins points to the same banking business and a possibility of view to buy new property. But what Lena seems to seek most of all, is somewhere for peace and calm, signified with the temperance card. A place of tranquillity is on its way, I see a lot of trees surrounding water.  There is nothing to be sorry about there.


As the 7th Son of a 7th Son, Vincent was born a Psychic, Clairvoyant and Healer according to Irish folklore. For decades, Vincent has used his gifts to help people from all walks of life find clarity, direction and purpose. Now he can help guide you.

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