Leslie Johns Racist abuse
Actress Leslie Jones this week shared some of her racist and misogynistic tweets she received since the film Ghostbusters release. In response to this, her director in the show quickly had the hashtag #love for Leslie trending on Monday night. Poor Leslie Johns was tweeting late into the night calling on twitter to block or delete accounts who were abusing her but to no avail. The Actress was visibly hurt by the attack as she posted: “I didn’t do anything to deserve this” and later added, “I leave twitter tonight with tears and a very sad heart”.
Now speaking from a personal point of view I am irate, that a wonderful, gifted actress should be targeted by small minded nonachievers and to be honest, they are the only people who get jealous of others success. There are weak men (normally) who fear powerful women and feel that their gender and sometimes their skin tone makes them less worthy of achieving and are somehow beneath them. Well, let me remind them, that it was ideas like that which started the last world war. Hitler lost, now build a bridge and get over your attitude. Skin colour or Gender do not define you as a person or limit your abilities or your right to achieve.
Master Psychic Vincent’s Verdict.
What do the cards say for Leslie Johns? The Ten of Swords shows the struggle Leslie is going through at the moment. As if it wasn’t hard enough for her to land this major role, she has haters coming down on her from all angles. This is the card of anger and stress, the card where the hard worker is being held back by the hate and bitterness of the few. Karma has a way of dealing with people who hate like that, as you reap what you sew. The Three of Cups shows that Leslie Johns is much loved and she needs to focus her attention on to the many who are with her, rather than the small minded few who are against her. With their love and support, her journey has only begun, and she is only at the doorway of success. Concentrate on the good Leslie, and leave the bad to fester in its own karma. The Ace of Coins shows that not only will Ghostbusters be a success beyond what was expected, but she will be landed another major role. It’s time to get a thick skin Leslie Johns. There will always be haters, but there will always be far more people who love and support you.
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