2023 Tarotscope

Libra Tarotscope for 2023

Reading the Year Ahead for Libra

A tarotscope is a horoscope that uses tarot cards to guide the astrological divination and help focus it for the reader. Here I’ve pulled three cards to illuminate what’s coming up in 2023 for Libra.

January to April: The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man card may have a gloomy name, but it reminds us of the value of sacrifice. Libras can understand balance better than most, and although the early part of the year may seem busy, you have much to gain from the process. It can often seem that a lot of our efforts are pointless, yet every journey is made up of many steps. Although you may feel like you are not achieving a goal straight away, you are certainly on the right path. The first four months of the year seem to have many Libras, chasing a new dream. You can appreciate the gift the new year brings you and a new clear opportunity to attempt new things. Of course, there will be some bumps in the road, but you understand that giving an extra push, can bring you extra rewards. Keep a light heart and an adventurous mind, and you can achieve amazing things.

May to August: The Magician

The Middle of the year is the perfect time for Libra. You have the balance of the past and future months and can see the value of both. The Magician card shows many options opening up around you in the middle months of the year. Sometimes, things we dismissed in the past because we had no interest in them, reappear with a new value. This is because timing is an essential ingredient in many things in our life. The world around us has changed, and because of this, we now value things in a different way. So, let the adventurous side of your nature out to play. Air signs don’t like barriers, so let your imagination go wild, and be prepared to try new things to broaden your life experience. This can be a very productive year for you.

September to December: The Empress

The closing four months of the year are shown here by the Empress card. She is the mother of fertility and birth. For many Libras you could be hearing news of a birth, or a birth to come in the new year. This is always good news and should lift your spirits. The Empress can also be showing us new love crossing our paths. Either in the form of a new lover or a new friend coming into our lives who will switch on a happy light and bring us into a lighter place. The Empress card is about new love in whatever form it takes. Libras are social beings, and you are always happy to reach out and help those in need. Because of this, you are valued. The year of 2023 appears to close with a warmth of love around many Libras. Embrace this feeling, as it’s the energy for a good life.

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