What is Your True Purpose in Life? Clients often ask me, “What is my true purpose here on earth?” Or, “What is my purpose in life?” Oh, how I wish that I could tell them… or even give them a glimpse. But I cannot. It is not my…
Make This New Year Count! As unbelievable as it may sound, we are about to change the year! (Again! Boy am I getting old!) And as usual, this is a period when we start making balance of the year we’ve had, the goals we have achieved and the…
Why It’s So Difficult To Disagree Without Judgement Or Blame Disagreeing with someone on anything is not a fun sport, except for those that have sociopathic tendencies who like to argue and fight and game on, anytime they have the opportunity. Not agreeing with someone, regardless of what…
Recognizing Our Defense Mechanisms We all have defense mechanisms, especially when it comes to relationships. We have learned them since we were children, honed them as teenagers and became pros at them by the time we were adults. Most of the time, we are not even aware that…
Avoiding The Holiday Blues The Christmas and New Year holiday season has become about festive get-togethers with family, friends and loved ones. Of course, the presents are nice too! There are many reasons one might fall into that rabbit hole of holiday blues: in a new place without…
Simple Guide To Surviving Christmas With Your In-Laws Whether it is the first time you’re spending Christmas with your in-laws or it is a well-known war zone for you already, it is a truth universally acknowledged that Christmas gatherings usually take a toll on couples and that there…
Accepting Criticism Without Attachment I don’t care how Zen we consider ourselves or we think we are above that sort of thing, no one likes to receive criticism. Even the good constructive criticism (which is rarely the case) causes our defenses to go up, our self-esteem to flinch…
How to Heal Emotional Scars Life is not easy. No matter how good one may have it, at some point he or she has had to endure something ugly, negative, traumatic. These events often leave us beaten and scarred. How does one heal and simply move forward? Through…
How Too Many Desires Can Make You Unhappy Not a day goes by that we do not read or hear about going after our desires and how to make them happen. It is part of what makes life so interesting, exciting, hopeful and a great learning experience for…