What happened Lindsey Lohan’s hand?

Lindsey Lohan showed off a heavily bandaged hand on snap chat last week. And revealed to fans that she had almost lost her finger in a boating accident. She said that she had actually lost part of her finger. But luckily they found the missing piece and rushed it to surgery to have it re-attached. She went on to say:
“This is the result of me trying to anchor a boat by myself. My poor finger.”
Lindsey has been spending time with friends in the Mediterranean. All since the famous explosive fight with her 23-year-old fiancé, Russian businessman Egor Tarabasov. Lindsey accused him of cheating and partying hard in a series of social media posts. And even hinted that she might be pregnant. Police were also called to their London apartment after an argument.
So what do the Cards say are in store for you Lindsey Lohan? It’s about time things looked up for you Lindsey.

Master Psychic Vincent’s Verdict

The knight of Cups shows that for you Lindsey, the heart will be healed by someone with true emotions. I feel that Egor’s heart was in the right place. But old habits die hard as they say. Many Women feel that their man will change once they settle down into a relationship. And while in a few cases this is true. Sadly a lot of men can’t let go of the little boy’s desire to be actively having fun all the time.

The Ten of Wands is your energy around your home and what you want your home life to be. Anger, frustration, jealousy and arguments do not make for good energy. In the home, your mind should switch off and your heart switch on. It is where you should feel the happiest and the safest. Until you can find this then things will never change. You have to enshrine your right to peace within the home deep in your psyche and settle for nothing less.

The King of Coins It’s got to be business as usual. The world doesn’t stop because our hearts are troubled. It’s unfortunate and yet in a strange way it’s the bitter medicine which heals the hurt. BY Concentrating on work, your brain will be able to work past the worst of it. Ok, the hand might put you out of action for a little while. But there are other things which can fill your time and get you back on board. Either way, it’s time to look after yourself, Lindsey Lohan. Put you first for a change.

Lindsay Lohan finger



As the 7th Son of a 7th Son, Vincent was born a Psychic, Clairvoyant and Healer according to Irish folklore. For decades, Vincent has used his gifts to help people from all walks of life find clarity, direction and purpose. Now he can help guide you.

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