Lisa Marie Presley divorcing her fourth husband Michael Lockwood.
Lisa Marie Presley is reportedly ending her ten-year marriage to her fourth husband. Her previous husbands were, Musician Danny Keough, Michael Jackson, and Nicholas Cage. Well, I’m a firm believer that if you are unhappy with someone, you don’t have to spend your life with them living in misery because it makes others happy. Move on and build your own lives and find happiness.
The couple who have twin daughters must have been happy at one stage, but have quoted the reason for the split as irreconcilable differences. I suppose like most people do. But it’s really none of our business, as long as both are happy with the divorce situation. There is no going back now as it is public and the divorce papers are dated June 13th. I wish them both well in their future paths, and I’m sure they have not taken this decision easily. Where children are involved these things should always be done with dignity for the sake of the children.
Master Psychic Vincent’s Verdict.
What do the cards say about Lisa Marie Presley? Well, Lisa Marie comes in with The Nine of Coins, a woman who in her own right can look after herself, so none of this is based on financial, simply emotional. The Three of Cups shows that her heart is in a good place with this, and she won’t regret the divorce, I have a feeling she will not be staying single, but she will give herself space first. The Ten of Coins shows that her priority is the home and her children. Beyond that everything is debatable, but her family are her main priority.
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