Mary J Blige’s ex demands more cash.
The husband of R & B singer Mary J Blige has reached out to her in a bid to secure more cash. Mary J filed for divorce from Martin ‘Kendu’ Issacs in July citing the old chestnut of irreconcilable differences. Their marriage lasted 13 years. Although there was a pre-nup in place, Issacs said that it should not be enforced because Blige had a lawyer present at the time of the signing and he did not. He claims that he did not understand the consequences of what he was asked to sign.
Following their separation and according to reports, Mary J’s estranged husband has asked for $130,000 a month in spousal support. It has been claimed that Mr Issacs has $4.5million in assets, however he says he needs the financial support due to his financial situation changing in the last 12 months. Reports reveal that in addition to the private chef and personal trainer, he wants a monthly financial contribution to pay his parents aswell as a monthly payment to support his two children from a previous relationship. Clearly this list is not exhaustive, auto expenses, transportation, maintenance and repair on his properties. Groceries; a guy’s got to eat! Did he mention the additional $100,000 for attorney fees and another $30,000 to his forensic accounting fees.
Issacs claims in the filing that he had a ‘significant role’ in growing Blige’s career. He says that he negotiated almost every deal on her behalf since their marriage. Although she was a recording artist before they married, he believes that her income increased during the time he acted as her personal manager.
Mary J Blige is a nine-time Grammy Award-winner who released six studio albums before she married Mr Issac. Blige has a new album due out in October.
Véronique’s Verdict
Separations such as this have the extra complication of having mixed business with pleasure. It works well when things are going well but when things take a nosedive, that is when the pre-nup is worth its weight in gold.
The cards drawn today specifically relate to Mr Issac. We have the Emperor, the Prince of Hearts and the Six of Hearts.
The Emperor represents the part that Isaac played in Mary J’s life. I feel that his attitude to power is being tested right now. There is a domineering energy around him and I do not feel that he has used his power in the best way. There has been no difficulty in getting others to carry out his orders, for a fee. This cards shows that Mr Issac will rethink how he relates to powerful individuals and that real power cannot be bought or sold.
The Prince of Hearts reveals double-dealing. The prince charming persona has been replaced by a Don Juan type who may just kiss and tell. I feel that there is news of an emotional nature for Mr Issac rather than financial within this card.
The Six of Hearts is very much about the good times from the past. I feel that Mr Issac has regrets around the loss of his marriage. This card reveals that if he could do things over again then he would. Hindsight is a wonderful science. He cannot go back, only forward. Maybe if he were to be a little more gracious and a little more grateful to the goose who laid the golden egg then things may turn out in the manner that he would wish. I do not feel that this relationship is truly over, for either of them. The estranged couple is wished the best.
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