
Master Numerology Weekly Draw Aug 19th 2019

Numerology draw

Master Numerology Weekly Draw

Welcome to your Numerology weekly forecast from the three major Master Numbers. We live with numbers everyday and our universe is one huge mathematical equation.

To choose your Master Number, close your eyes, focus on the Master Number that draws you in and see what the week’s numerology forecast will be for you.

If you are unfamiliar with Master Numbers in numerology or how to find your own life number, click on the link and it will explain what each Master Number foundation is. Once you have picked your Master Number, it will support and coincide with the week’s Tarot number and your personal life number linked to it.

Please remember this is a general reading but your personal life number will also help form and direct the different outcomes based on the Master Number you have chosen for this forecast week.

Going into the 4th week of August 19th, we have a 3 Numerology week. 0+8+1+9+2+0+1+9 = 30 = 3.

A 3 Tarot supported week also represents a week that gives you many opportunities to feel optimistic, receiving a little more abundance in your checking account and situations where you can share your upbeat attitude this week with others. This will also be a week when you are noticed and acknowledged, in a good way, in many areas of your life.

Choosing Master Number 11: Intuition

Since the Master Number 11 is always about your intuitive feelings, having a three Tarot week attached to it makes it filled pro-active actions on your part or unexpected changes that you have been feeling was coming for awhile. That feel good “feeling” of unexpected good happenings that has been buzzing around you for the last few weeks. This is the week when some of them will start showing up. The interesting thing about life changes; whether you get it together and be one of those pro-active achievers or wait until the universe drags you there, kicking and screaming…. change does happen. The good thing about this week with a three Tarot week teaming up with the Master Number 11, is you will definitely get the opportunity to say, “I KNEW that was going to happen and feeling a good energy around it that includes more prosperity, new love, new adventures or just the recognition of being in your authentic “YOU” energy.

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Choosing Master Number 22: Master Builder

Always when you choose the Master number 22 for the week, it is about laying new foundations to create a different approach to your life or outlook. Connected with a three tarot week, it is definitely promising you will come together in a good and happy scenario with your own like and kind. Whether that be the business partner you have wanted to start something with, the serious love relationship, bringing in new family member or making new friends. With the three tarot being supported by the Master Builder, it is almost guaranteed that more than one or more of your soul group or family will celebrate with you.

Choosing Master Number 33: Master Teacher

The Master Number 33 is always about the lessons your soul came to experience in order to spiritually grow. Since it is a three Tarot week, helping to support the Master Number Three Teacher, those lessons will usually come in the form of situations where more than one person is involved. For example, if you are here to learn humility in this lifetime, a situation you were sooooo sure you were right about does not turn out to well in your favor at the big conference meeting. You might discover you used the wrong calculations or did not have all the information needed to make your point. Ouch and embarrassing! Or it could be the other way around, you may be given the opportunity to be part of a scenario that knocks the arrogance out of those know it all nemesis, bringing them down a few pegs and giving you the chance to say, “I told you so.” Of course, being the super spiritually aware creatures that WE are, we would NEVER think about doing that. lol! The lesson WILL come to you or a lesson you share with others, that will help everyone involved see a brighter side of a situation or a more positive version of themselves.

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