
Master Numerology Weekly Draw Aug 7th 2019

Numerology draw

Master Numerology Weekly Draw

Welcome to your Numerology weekly forecast from your pick of the Master Numbers. We live with numbers everyday and our universe is a mathematical equation. To choose your Master Number, close your eyes, focus on the Master Number above that draws you in and see what the week’s numerology forecast will be for you.

If you are unfamiliar with Master Numbers in numerology or how to find your own life number, click on the link and it will explain what each Master Number foundation is and what energy you can expect for that week. Once you have picked your Master Number, it will support and coincide with the week’s Tarot number and your personal life number linked to it.

Please remember this is a general reading but your personal life number will also help form and direct the different outcomes based on the Master Number you have chosen for your forecast week.

Going into the second week of August, we have a 9 week. 0+8+0+7+2+0+1=9. A 9 Tarot supported week represents looking at old issues and situations with a more open heart and mind and feeling pushed to bring closure to something in your life that feels unfinished or still unsettled.

Choosing Master Number 11: Intuition

Since the Master Number 11 is always about your intuitive feelings in any situation at the moment and can encompass unfinished business, such as relationships starting or coming to an end, a search for a new job or having health issues that are now coming to closure. You will find with a 9 Tarot card, connected to the Master Number 11, will present a new situation in the form of a challenge, releasing what no longer works or a shift of perspective on a situation or person. You may also find yourself being a little more “sensitive” about unfinished business you have yet to address. If you know you need to leave your present job but still have not even written up your resume, if it comes up in conversation, you may get a little defensive. Choosing Master Number 11 for your forecast week, you will feel a pretty strong shove from the universe about bringing closure to something that may still irritate you, feeling stuck or letting go of illusions.

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Choosing Master Number 22: Master Builder

Since this Master number is about laying new foundations for a different approach to your life or outlook, with a 9 Tarot week, you might see some significant tearing down of old beliefs, careers that no longer work for you, a relationship that has come to the end of its shelf life or just an attitude change about yourself and others. But what comes with building new foundations is always the hard work of having to tear down the old and useless foundations that exist for you now. Anyone who has ever witnessed or been involved in a major house renovation, while it is in rubble stage, knows it is difficult to envision the finished project. Even a minor revision on your life this week will have you feeling like you are standing in the rubble of your past choices, as you see them being no longer useful to you.

Choosing Master Number 33: Master Teacher

The Master Number 33 chosen for your forecast with a 9 Tarot week, will have you feeling a little bit like your head is spinning with all the new unknown information you will find out this week. Whether it becomes obvious of an impending collapse of a relationship, a confirmation or realization that your feelings about a person or issue is not how you thought it was; the new information and awareness may feel a little overwhelming as it now puts you in a position that you must act on it. Think of word procrastination as being the exact opposite of what the universe is trying to make happen in a 9 Tarot week. Movement forward and closure to a stagnant situation will come whether you are ready for it or not, learning a lot of new information about yourself and others. When the Master Teacher is drawn, the outcome turns out to be nothing like you thought it would be. Better or worse is not the learning issue, it is being put into position to bring about lessons of personal growth for yourself and causing growth for those around you.

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