Why is Megan Markle getting such abuse?

Megan Markle is the new girlfriend of Prince Harry and by all accounts, the two are very happy together. It would appear some of the British media are not so happy about the union. Some have gone so low as to blurt racist comments about this beautiful woman. It would appear that she is not good enough in their eyes because she is American and not British.

It affected the prince so much, that he took the rare step of fighting back against the media. The world has moved on from such arrogant behaviour, it’s horrifying to see it still exists in media trolls. It is surprising that people who think that this kind of reporting is acceptable, and even entertaining can type. The world has moved on and I’m sure the young couple are very happy together, now leave them that way. Prince Harrys Mother also suffered at the hands of the gutter press. Perhaps this is the reason he is taking a powerful stance against his girlfriend’s abuse.

To Prince Harry, I can only say that your Mother would be proud of you and your approach to this. She also had the press on her every footstep. Every step was criticised, and nothing she did was good enough but she rose above it like a true princess.

Let’s throw a few cards out for both of you and see where this is leading.

The Knight of Cups.
This is the card of the knight in shining armour. This would represent your protectiveness over Megan. When she is with you, she feels safe. Anyone who has ever fallen in love knows that where the person comes from is of no importance. Love overrides everything. One of your ancestors stepped down from the throne, simply because he wanted to be with the woman he loved. No stronger force is there in this world.

The Nine of Coins
This is the regime behind the abuse and the line of thinking. Although the palace has come out in support of you, there are some in the community who are old school. They believe that you should be married to someone within the elite of the British establishment and anything else is inconceivable. You don’t need me to tell you what your late mother would have said to that one.

The Five of Cups
If your happiness can only be achieved by upsetting other people, then so be it. You must follow your heart on this one. Times are changing and lessons from the past must be brought into play for the times that we live in. You both appear to have a good future together. You must stand strong and show a united front. Show these people that cruelty and narrow minds have no place in the world of the future.

Master Psychic Vincent’s Verdict.

These cards show that the only struggle you have is against narrow minds. This is the same struggle your late Mother Diana fought against. If she were here today, she would be right by your side and she would be giving you the encouragement you needed to carry on the fight. Some people need to be brought to task over their methods of reporting and I feel this could come to a challenge during the year as old habits die hard. This Christmas celebration gives you just the chance to show them that you are both stronger than bigotry.


As the 7th Son of a 7th Son, Vincent was born a Psychic, Clairvoyant and Healer according to Irish folklore. For decades, Vincent has used his gifts to help people from all walks of life find clarity, direction and purpose. Now he can help guide you.

1 Comment

  1. Do you see them marrying? Keeping in mind that harry would need permission to marry a divorcee. Thank you.