Tarot Reading

Monday Interactive Tarot Reading – Feb 15th 2021

Choose Your Tarot Card

Here is your interactive tarot reading for today. Look at the image above and relax, focus on the first card that draws you in and that card will connect with your personal energy.


Once you have picked your card, you can scroll down to see it revealed then read the information for today that carries your journey with it.






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Tarot Card Draw #1: Four of Cups, reversed

If you have been feeling stuck and dealing with a rather stagnant situation in your life, the reversed Four of Cups may turn up for you in a daily tarot draw urging you to stand up, shake it off and get things on the right track and moving forward. No one is going to make it happen for you. Also indicated by the Four of Cups reversed is leaving regrets, remorse and wishful thinking in the past and focusing on the present and moving forward in a positive direction. New opportunities are very soon coming your way, if they have not already started. Grab these opportunities as this is the best time to capitalize on them. Do not doubt yourself and do not hesitate. Take some chances … not silly chances like driving too fast, but chances that will benefit you. The Four of Cups may turn up reversed for you if you have recently been indulging in the negative type of self-isolation. Possibly you have been shutting out those to whom you were previously quite close as well as many well-meaning friends. Sometimes we each allow ourselves to sink a bit too deeply into our own little worlds thus shutting everyone else out. This can lead to many quite negative behaviors such as greatly diminishing your self-worth and self-confidence. You have withdrawn too much within yourself and it is now time to rejoin your old life and society in general. Hopefully you are becoming more self-aware and finding a new meaning and enjoyment for life. This card is urging you to drag yourself back into reality and stop living in a fantasy world or for your own solely personal gain. Maybe you have simply been wallowing in your own misery or grief. You need to get out of that and be much more proactive at working toward what you deserve and desire. You must let go of old habits and patterns that are no longer serving you. Same with select individuals who do not seem to be in your highest good. Another negative major life situation that could be indicated by the Four of Cups reversed is that you have been acting in a very selfish and entitled manner. Possibly using people for your own gain and taking advantage of anyone who extends you even the slightest bit of consideration. If you do not work to stop this action soon, it will come back and seriously bite you on the butt.

Tarot Card Draw #2: The Hierophant

The Hierophant may come up in a tarot spread or daily tarot draw speaking of education. It usually indicates formal higher education, but can speak of informal self-study as well or engaging in some self-help work with the assistance of a professional such as a counselor, psychologist, psychiatrist, priest or any other person of the cloth or spiritual advisor. Basically, The Hierophant could be talking about expanding your mind or nurturing your spiritual side as well as mental healing and progression. When talking about a person, The Hierophant could be speaking of a mentor, spiritual advisor or counselor, anyone who could provide you with guidance, advice or wisdom. It could also indicate that you are dealing with a rather rigid person who is quite set in their ways with a limited mindset or who is simply quite close-minded. Alternatively to indicating a person, The Hierophant could also be talking about an institution, organization or group such as any kind of social, political, religious, economic, educational or medical. The Hierophant may also turn up indicating traditional values or ways of thinking as well as the need to act in a more traditional manner. This is not the time to rock the boat, buck tradition or take risky chances. Finally, The Hierophant may come up in a daily tarot draw for you indicating it is time to start creating your own traditions or rituals.

Tarot Card Draw #3: Six of Cups

When the Six of Cups turns up in your daily tarot draw or a general tarot reading, it often is indicative of things from your past such as past loves, past friends, past jobs, anything from the past. This card could indicate reminiscing, reflecting on childhood memories, nostalgia or focusing on the past in general. While looking back in reflection occasionally is not a bad thing, some people tend to get up caught up in their memories and develop a somewhat warped view of their own past or reality. If this is you, the Six of Cups may pop up to snap you back into reality. When this card appears in your daily tarot draw you may be being influenced by past events, reminiscing about the past or thinking about someone from your past. The Six of Cups can also represent matters pertaining to children, young people and youthfulness and can represent having children or taking care of or working with them. It can signify simplicity, playfulness, innocence, goodwill and sharing. It can also represent protection and family. If you have been going through a tough time, the Six of Cups may be telling you to take the support available to you from family and close friends. When the Six of Cups appears in a daily draw, it can also indicate that you are being childish or immature.

Considering getting a tarot card reading? We have carefully screened and selected a range of gifted, compassionate tarot readers to provide clarity and new insights into your life. Online readers available 24/7.

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    1. Thank you, again, sweetie. Your words make my heart sing!!! 🙂