Choose Your Tarot Card
Here is your interactive tarot reading for today. Look at the image above and relax, focus on the first card that draws you in and that card will connect with your personal energy.
Once you have picked your card, you can scroll down to see it revealed then read the information for the week that carries your journey with it.
Story continues below…
Tarot Card Draw #1: The Devil
As always, when the Devil card is drawn, we want to run for cover, our heart skips a beat and we expect at any moment the bottom is going to drop out on some life level. In many ways, that is exactly what you are dealing with; the energy you hold in fear of, feeling overwhelmed, the self-defeat of trying to control an outcome of which you have NO control over but still unwilling to believe the Universe or a Divine Intelligence (your choice) will help you in every way possible to create a good outcome for you. If……you just stay open to receiving. It may take facing up to a few things you have avoided or releasing something from your life that keeps you from your good. But like it not, when the Devil card shows up, it is a sign that you have thrown out an SOS on your unhappiness and are asking to be shown why and then asking for the help to change things for the better. So I would say today, an unexpected low-level life lesson may show up for you. First reaction may be: “What the hell!”? But you will recover and go to that “once you see, you can’t unsee” place of growth for the better.
Tarot Card Draw #2: The Star
This is one of my favorite cards in the tarot deck. It gives you a heads up that somehow, everything is going to turn out ok for you. The Star is about life unfolding in a positive outcome, regardless of how it has been in the recent past or present. Whatever good fortune, good tidings or good luck comes your way today; small or even a huge life changing event; always remember to stay in gratitude. That gratitude energy flows out to the reflective universe and comes back to you in more good luck and desired happiness. Take advantage of the message you are being given today to keep your eye on the prize, regardless of how it may appear to you today, good things are being manifested for you.
Tarot Card Draw #3: Three of Swords (Reversed)
The Three of Swords always carries the message of holding onto sadness or the melancholy of the past. Since this card was pulled in reverse, it is a clear message to you if you make a conscious effort to start working on getting rid of the thoughts, words, and behavior of ‘would have, could have or should have done’ in regards to your past choices or how things turned out for you (in your favor or not), you will begin to experience a lifting of the burden that you must always be in the right or always in control. Once you have put an old situation or incident in perspective of your own happiness; meaning if it does not make you happy holding onto the old baggage of resentment, anger, hurt, bitterness or regret, then you can start following a path of being kinder to yourself on how you handled it….perfectly!!!! If you were a needy victim, a raging bitch, a desperate lover, a cruel and unkind parent or child; then accept that was then and this is now and embrace that no one is perfect and you did the best with whatever survival tools you had to work with at the time. Then make a life note to become more compassionate to yourself and others, feel the gratitude and pay it forward every blessing you receive.
hoping for the best
I confused