Choose Your Tarot Card
Here is your interactive tarot reading for today. Look at the image above and relax, focus on the first card that draws you in and that card will connect with your personal energy.
Once you have picked your card, you can scroll down to see it revealed then read the information for the week that carries your journey with it.
Monday July 20th carries tremendous power for all the signs today, especially Cancer. It is a second New Moon in Cancer and the first one since 2017 that is not eclipsed. This will be a serious test on one’s patience, for all the signs, although Cancer will feel the heaviest emphasis on impatience. On the upside, July 20th is the last day of Mercury Retrograde and we only have to be cautious for a few more days (as Mercury Retrograde lingers around for a few days). From the cards that are drawn today, regardless of which one you pick, it will be tricky slide on handling anything that gets on your nerves this week.
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Tarot Card Draw #1: Ace of Swords (Reversed)
The Ace of Swords is always about communication needed to release old issues or bring new issues to light. In my opinion it is one of the most powerful cards to bring about forward movement. Without the ability to say what you are feeling in your heart, speak up for yourself, verbally communicate how you feel a change in your life has affected you, we then feel powerless. Our inner power comes from our Third Chakra in our solar plexus. In energetic balance, “as above, so below”, our third power Chakra is directly connected to our Fifth Chakra which controls the throat and communication. When you lose your ability to communicate your needs, you feel powerless. Since pulled reversed, today should be a day where you will have to find your ‘voice’ to get what you want today or stand your ground. It is a good day, if you have not done so in the past, to start voicing your opinion loud and clear to what YOUR needs, wants and desires are in any area of your life.
Tarot Card Draw #2: Ace of Wands (Reversed)
The Ace of Wands can be interpreted in many ways, depending on circumstances and who you are reading for. This card represents new birth or re-birth, bringing in new life such as the birth of a baby or breathing new life into a present situation. It does not necessarily mean that you are the one giving birth, it could be a new soul coming into life through a family or friend. Usually carrying the energy of someone you have heart connections with. It also represents starting a passionate new outlook on a situation or life in general. ‘Breathing new life into something.’ Since drawn reversed, today will more than likely hit you with of one of these three things: a suspicion that someone is newly pregnant, about ready to give birth any moment, or a sense that the stagnation you have been dealing with is about to end from an unexpected source.
Tarot Card Draw #3: Wheel of Fortune (Reversed)
The Wheel of Fortune is showing you that life changes are about to begin today or a decision to choose something other than what you have been used to. This can be in any area of your life. I have heard this quote from many sources; political, medical, spiritual and day to day conversations, “our lives will never be able to go back the way it was before the COVID-19 pandemic took hold.” Career options will change as companies realize the advantage of remote at home employees, on-line retail business will take on a whole new approach to the way we shop and social interactions through media will become a regular connection for family, friends and dating. Since the Wheel of Fortune has been pulled reversed, it states very clearly that whatever is changing in your daily life routine today was brought about without you intentionally manifesting it. It will put you in a place of having to respond or react to changes that were not planned by you. They may just be the best thing in the world that happened for you and possibly what you have been wanting all along. Best advice for you today! “Go with the flow!”
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