Choose Your Tarot Card

Here is your interactive tarot reading for today. Look at the image above and relax, focus on the first card that draws you in and that card will connect with your personal energy.


Once you have picked your card, you can scroll down to see it revealed then read the information for today that carries your journey with it.






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Considering getting a tarot card reading? We have carefully screened and selected a range of gifted, compassionate tarot readers to provide clarity and new insights into your life. Online readers available 24/7.


Tarot Card Draw #1: Ten of Pentacles, reversed

Sadly, when the Ten of Pentacles turns up reversed in a reading it quite often signals serious family troubles ahead. This is very much the opposite of the lovely and happy family of four depicted on the face of the Ten of Pentacles. When reversed, this card indicates major family struggles ranging from small family squabbles to all out blow ups. It can speak of feeling disconnected from your family, neglecting family, overwhelming family stressors and in some cases, domestic abuse. When it falls in close relation to the death of a relative, it frequently signals a major dispute over the decedent’s will. Of course, with it being a reversed card of Pentacles, there are other negative financial implications such as a strong warning to keep far away from any illegal activities as chances are high you will get caught and the penalty will be quite significant. It also touches on various levels and types of dishonesty. The reversed Ten of Pentacles could be speaking on unstable, insecure situations or building your figurative house on a very rocky foundation. This card may come up shortly before a sudden or unexpected loss as well as negative changes, especially in your finances, business or career. Lastly, this card in reverse may indicate bucking tradition or following a more unconventional path.

Tarot Card Draw #2: The Tower

Of the 78 cards in a typical Tarot deck, many persons with a good familiarity of the Tarot consider The Tower the worst to get in a reading. Personally, I see it quite the opposite, but I will get to that in a bit. All-too-often, The Tower speaks of some tragic, deeply traumatic events. Among them could be the death of a loved one, domestic abuse, violent assault or rape. The Tower could signify extremely negative life events such as divorce, miscarriage or stillbirth. It can warn of child abuse, major car accident, sudden loss of a job, overdose. All of these are just to name a few of the very negative indicators behind The Tower. Quite often the chaotic and destructive events heralded by The Tower are sudden and unavoidable. This card may serve as a warning to take extra precautions regarding your safety and/or start acting in a much more responsible manner. If you are one to take chances, especially a gambler, then be warned that a major loss is on the horizon. As I wrote in the beginning, I do not often see The Tower as being so terribly negative because I always look for the positive in even the most negative of situations. Quite frequently, any horrid life event or conditions one must endure as The Tower warns, something good always comes out of it in the end. It may take a while and things may be really, really ugly for some time, but keep in mind that it is always darkest before the dawn.

Tarot Card Draw #3: The Devil

If The Devil turns up in a tarot spread or daily draw for you, do not allow yourself to automatically go to a dark or hopeless place. While he can signify some negative behaviors and some things that may not be in your best interest, he also has a good side which we will address first. Sometimes The Devil may turn up for you to bring your attention to your own state of depression or possibly a self-destructive addiction. He may also be speaking of a feeling of being trapped, restricted or out of control in any or all areas of your life. Because the Devil is well-known to be a trickster and quite deceptive in many different religions, you may automatically blame any of the above situations on him and think he is doing these things to you in an effort to control you. But in Tarot, The Devil card is quite different from the Devil himself. When dealing with depression, addition or any of the above overly negative situations, you may feel as though outside influences or forces beyond your control are restricting you, leaving you feeling powerless and victimized. However, this is actually an illusion being created by The Devil. You are in complete and total control of your own destiny and are not bound by anything other than your own attitudes, thoughts and behaviors. When dealing with any of the above negative behaviors or situations, The Devil may turn up to tell you not to give and do not give away your power. You have it well within yourself to make the needed changes to help raise yourself up out of depression, addiction and any other negative and self-destructive situation that you feel may be controlling your and your life. If you find yourself in any other overly negative or abusive situation, or if someone is being overly critical of you or trying to manipulate you in any way, The Devil may turn up for you to tell you that you simply do not have to tolerate it. There are options to help you get out and away from these situations and these people. The way out may not be easy, but it is certainly possible. There is always something positive you can do to improve your situation no matter how hopeless things may seem on the surface. The Devil may also turn up to bring your attention to how you may be treating others. You may be trying to manipulate or control people knowingly or unknowingly. This must stop. When The Devil turns up for you in a daily draw, it could be indicating obsessive, secretive or impulsive behavior. It can be a sign that you are out of control. The Devil may also turn up to bring your attention to the fact that you have allowed yourself to become quite materialistic or obsessed with control and/or power over others. While material possessions and a certain degree of control or power over others may make you feel good for a little while, it will all ultimately turn back on you in that those around you will leave you thus ultimately leaving you alone and isolated with no one in your corner, no one to turn to. The Devil may be trying to tell you it is time to step back and get your priorities in order.

Considering getting a tarot card reading? We have carefully screened and selected a range of gifted, compassionate tarot readers to provide clarity and new insights into your life. Online readers available 24/7.



Having attained Master Level at Mediumship, Tarot, Energy Work and general Psychic Readings, Tamara (Tami) has a great many years’ experience as a Spiritual Counselor, Psychic, Tarot Reader and Medium also. She is highly skilled at Numerology, Auras, Past Lives and Chakras and can help you determine your own psychic abilities; she is remarkably adept at simple questions as well as those most in-depth. As an award-winning writer with more than 45 years’ experience, Tamara (Tami) has provided original works to 7thsense on various subjects and writes the Daily Tarot Draw.

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