Choose Your Tarot Card

Here is your interactive tarot reading for today. Look at the image above and relax, focus on the first card that draws you in and that card will connect with your personal energy.


Once you have picked your card, you can scroll down to see it revealed then read the information for today that carries your journey with it.






Tarot Card Draw #1: Nine of Pentacles

The Nine of Pentacles will often turn up as confirmation that perseverance, commitment and hard work really do pay off. This card may show up for you at a time when you are enjoying the finer things in life as a result of your own focused efforts. It represents control, self-discipline and self-reliance. If you cannot depend on yourself, whom can you truly depend on? This card speaks of freedom, confidence, stability, success as well as abundance and prosperity. You have worked hard to get to where you are so now is the time to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Often spoken of by Nine of Pentacles is a woman who is independent, beautiful, confident, sophisticated and strong. She knows how to get things done and if she does not know something, she has no hesitation to learn. For those in committed romantic relationships, Nine of Pentacles may be indicting security and stability in your union as well as an unconditionally supportive partner who will back you as you work toward achieving your professional and financial pursuits. On rare occasions, this card may herald a pregnancy or birth. It can signify retirement and a time to thoroughly enjoy your years of hard work and dedication.

Tarot Card Draw #2: King of Swords

The King of Swords talks about how to get to where you want to be. It is all about self-discipline, structure and routine. It represents being methodical and always leading and making decisions with your head rather than your heart. Do what is right and what is expected of you to ensure success. The King of Swords may also be speaking of legal matters, any kind of law enforcement or legal officials such as attorneys and judges, the military. It talks about someone who has their emotions well under control and is analytical as well as fair-minded. He also talks of being rational, level-headed and one who always thinks everything through completely. Alternatively, King of Swords may represent a person who is a bully or tyrant, cold, distant and/or a perfectionist. In a romantic relationship, he may be speaking of how you and your partner are on the same page intellectually, physically and emotionally. You each maintain high standards and always challenge the other in positive ways. Singles drawing the King of Swords may realize that they actually enjoy the single life and not being attached or tied down. It may also indicate that you are not one to settle, ever. When it comes to career or money, the King of Swords may pop up to remind you to be methodical and rational in your pursuits while at the same time keeping things real

Tarot Card Draw #3: Page of Cups

If you have been awaiting word on a promotion or a new job, the Page of Cups is an excellent card to get in your daily draw as it signals good news may be on its way to you. This card speaks of messages such as happy news, key information, invitations or even gossip (the good kind). It also talks about embracing your inner child if you have been taking things too seriously of late. It represents beauty, fashion and style. Page of Cups also speaks of being compassionate, affectionate, loyal and helpful as well as having gained emotional maturity. In matters of the heart, it may herald a proposal. Singles may soon find themselves attached when this Page appears. If you are harboring a secret crush or strong interest in someone, Page of Cups is telling you it’s time to either let them know or just make a move. If you are unhappy with your current professional situation, it is time to take proactive steps to change things around. Use your head and do some thorough research before making a big purchase or investing a lot of money, or any money for that matter. On the downside, the Page of Cups may be indicating that you are more of a dreamer rather than a doer.

Considering getting a tarot card reading? We have carefully screened and selected a range of gifted, compassionate tarot readers to provide clarity and new insights into your life. Online readers available 24/7.



Having attained Master Level at Mediumship, Tarot, Energy Work and general Psychic Readings, Tamara (Tami) has a great many years’ experience as a Spiritual Counselor, Psychic, Tarot Reader and Medium also. She is highly skilled at Numerology, Auras, Past Lives and Chakras and can help you determine your own psychic abilities; she is remarkably adept at simple questions as well as those most in-depth. As an award-winning writer with more than 45 years’ experience, Tamara (Tami) has provided original works to 7thsense on various subjects and writes the Daily Tarot Draw.


  1. i need to know when my finical problem will be over when can i have a cash flow in my pocket want to be happy

    • Tamara (Ext. 827)

      Jenny, I am not able to answer questions of this nature in the comments section, hon, but we have many highly skilled Readers available on the phone and chat lines who would be more than happy to help you.