Choose Your Tarot Card
Here is your interactive tarot reading for today. Look at the image above and relax, focus on the first card that draws you in and that card will connect with your personal energy.
Once you have picked your card, you can scroll down to see it revealed then read the information for today that carries your journey with it.
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Tarot Card Draw #1: Three of Pentacles
The Three of Pentacles is an excellent card to draw especially when you do so while you are also working toward a specific goal. This card in the upright position represents being dedicated to a certain goal or outcome as well as the hard work, focused effort and determination that it takes to achieve said goal or outcome. The Three of Pentacles is indicative of your full and complete commitment to the final outcome as well as you giving it your 100% efforts to see it through successfully. It is also indicative of you building on a previous success or some other solid foundation. This card also speaks of apprenticeship opportunities, studying and acquiring new skills or building upon your existing education and/or skillset. You have been working diligently to overcome any real or perceived obstacles and success is now close at hand. Your focused and determined efforts are about to pay off and make it all worth it. Lastly, the Three of Pentacles indicates collaboration with others for your own personal gain, but this is not actually a negative thing. It just means you are effectively using all available resources to accomplish a goal.
Tarot Card Draw #2: Nine of Swords
Unfortunately, there are quite a few negative indications associated with the upright Nine of Swords such as guilt, regret, despair, remorse, mental anguish and an overall loss of enjoyment. Other things possibly being represented by this card turning up in your daily tarot draw are an overall negative thought process, stress, feeling burdened as well as a deeply felt sense of unhappiness. The Nine of Swords also touches on you reaching a breaking point and are feeling quite overwhelmed. You are no longer able to cope with certain situations, problems or just life in general. It is also possible that you strongly desire to go back into your own past and rewrite your history. You may think that others have turned their backs on you thus leaving you to feel isolated and possibly as though other people are talking about you in secret. This card talks of insomnia or vivid nightmares. The Nine of Swords also touches on you reaching a breaking point and are feeling quite overwhelmed. You are no longer able to cope with certain situations, problems or just life in general. The Nine of Swords is rooted in our own fear and anxiety; however, it frequently is indicative that we are blowing some things way out of proportion and they are not quite as bad (or at all) as we have made them out to be in our minds. Rather it suggests that we are allowing our imagination to take us to a very dark, negative place pertaining to a specific situation in our lives.
Tarot Card Draw #3: Ten of Cups, reversed
The most basic, bottom line meaning of the Ten of Cups coming up reversed in a daily tarot draw is trouble within a family. This card indicates that the love, contentment and harmony once present within your family has been replaced with conflict, arguments, strain and an overall feeling of discontentment. It speaks of a breakdown of communication within a family, general or specific problems with select relatives, a sense of being neglected or left out in the cold to fend for yourself or even abuse of any kind such as mental, emotional or physical. The Ten of Cups reversed can generally refer to an unhappy home life, broken home or dysfunctional family situation. It can be indicative that familial connections or bonds are not quite as good as they may appear on the surface. Looks can be deceiving as can some relatives. This card often speaks of family secrets, problems, less than harmonious conditions in the family. Someone may be trying to keep up appearances. The reversed Ten of Cups may also turn up speaking of a feeling of being homesick or a feeling of isolation and not getting proper or sufficient support from those closest to you. This card may also be speaking of a foster family, blended family or some other nontraditional familial situation as well as issues of infertility or a miscarriage or stillbirth.
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