Choose Your Tarot Card
Here is your interactive tarot reading for today. Look at the image above and relax, focus on the first card that draws you in and that card will connect with your personal energy.
Once you have picked your card, you can scroll down to see it revealed then read the information for today that carries your journey with it.
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Tarot Card Draw #1: Three of Pentacles
The Three of Pentacles indicates a time of self-improvement, education, pushing towards personal or career advancement. This could indicate someone who is in school or is an apprentice, or just generally a time in which you are working towards your goals with full dedication and focus. You are doing an excellent job building a future for yourself. You have jumped over many hurdles to get to where you are, and your success and personal ambition should be celebrated. In your romantic life, if you are in a relationship, the Three of Pentacles indicates full commitment to your relationship, and to meeting your partner’s needs. You and your partner are doing an excellent job working together to either improve your relationship or maintain an already healthy and fulfilling relationship. If you are looking for a relationship, the Three of Pentacles indicates someone has recently noticed you and taken a great interest in your ambition. They are attracted to your work ethic and drive and intend to pursue a relationship. This could also mean that you will meet a new partner at school or your current place of business. In your career, the Three of Pentacles indicates an incredible drive, determination, and dedication to reaching your personal goals. You are currently working very diligently towards maximizing your personal success. You might be working as an apprentice, building yourself within your current career. You might also be nearing the end of a career specific education, for which you have worked very hard. Sometimes, the Three of Pentacles also indicates someone who has recently started a business and has been dedicating most of their time to ensure maximum success. You will reap great rewards, so keep working your hardest!
Tarot Card Draw #2: The Star, reversed
The Star reversed comes up in your tarot draw when you are feeling lonely, hopeless, and just ready to give up. You are likely feeling depressed and have had a long and difficult road and you do not see an end anywhere in sight. You have lost your sense of creativity and inspiration and are simply going through the motions with no clear direction. You must take charge of your own attitude and outlook towards life. Think positive, be positive! Instead of saying things like, “I will never finish this project,” say things like, “I need to rethink my strategy for this project so that I can complete it and begin the next project.” Make a conscious effort to change your statements and outlook, and this will cause your entire mindset to change without any effort. In your romantic life, if you are in a relationship, the Star reversed indicates you are likely putting too much focus into the negative aspects of your relationship, missing everything positive that is happening. You have likely lost faith and just feel as though your relationship is going nowhere. You need to work with your partner to rekindle the spark and keep your relationship alive. It is not the end! You simply need to work together as though you are new lovers vying for each other’s affection. Try something new, do something kind for each other from time to time, and this will help keep your relationship moving forward. If you are looking for a relationship, you are most likely in a place that you feel you will never find a partner. You have simply given up on finding anyone who can meet your needs and are becoming slightly bitter towards the idea of romance. You need to push those negative thoughts out of your mind and replace them with more positive thoughts. Making a conscious effort to change these thoughts now will train your mind to continue to do so on its own, and you will eventually change your entire outlook. In your career, the Star reversed indicates you are feeling bored and listless in your current position. You feel as though your everyday tasks are becoming mundane, and you are going nowhere. You need to renew your energy and strive for a more positive outlook, so that you can keep moving forward with a purpose. This will help to increase your personal success.
Tarot Card Draw #3: The Magician, reversed
The Magician reversed indicates manipulation, greed, or an overall unclear mind. This can indicate that you or someone around you is very manipulative and is using this skill to their advantage. If this is you, the Magician reversed is warning you to be careful who you make a victim of your trickery, because it will soon backfire. If this is not you, then someone around you is manipulating you for their own personal gain and you should be extremely careful. Often times, the perpetrators are those who are closest to us, those we would least expect. Be careful, and if your gut tries to warn you against something, do not ignore it. In your romantic life, if you are in a relationship, the Magician reversed indicates that either you or your partner are being manipulative, or that you just generally need to be more open with each other. You or your partner are expecting the other to simply know what your needs are and how they should be met, rather than communicating with each other. You need to have an open conversation with your partner about what you both expect out of the relationship and leave nothing up in the air or open to translation. This card might also indicate that your partner is not being truthful to you about something important, so pay close attention to their actions. If you are looking for a relationship, the Magician reversed indicates you might be feeling bitter towards romance and feel as though nothing is coming your way. You need to keep trying and keep putting yourself out there, because you will find a suitable partner. Ensure you are putting the same energy out into the world that you wish to receive in return. In your career, the Magician reversed indicates you are not fully utilizing your abilities, and this is negatively affecting your work. You have doubt in yourself and are allowing that to have too much influence over your daily life. Renew your energy, and do not doubt yourself. You are better and more worthy than you realize, and now is your time to shine through!
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