Choose Your Tarot Card
Here is your interactive tarot reading for today. Look at the image above and relax, focus on the first card that draws you in and that card will connect with your personal energy.
Once you have picked your card, you can scroll down to see it revealed then read the information for today that carries your journey with it.
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Tarot Card Draw #1: Strength, reversed
Reversed Strength will often turn up in a daily draw bringing your attention to the fact you are *settling* in some way such as not seeking out the job you most desire because you do not feel you are qualified or maybe you do not believe you would be able to learn the skills required to be successful. Maybe you are settling in a romantic relationship because you simply do not believe you could do any better so you will just take what you can get. This card speaks of a tremendous self-doubt and simply not knowing your own worth. Also, a key message behind Strength reversed is that it really is ok to cut toxic people out of your life, even if they are relatives or someone else who believes they somehow have a right to treat you harshly or always make derogatory comments to you and about you. Strength falling reversed for you in a daily draw could also indicate that you very much need to call upon your own inner strength that you may not realize you possess rather than allowing a lack of self-esteem, self-worth, fear or anxiety to hold you back. This is quite often the case in professional pursuits and occasionally when having a strong interest/desire in someone romantically. Stop holding yourself back. As the saying goes, “We miss 100% of the shots we do not take.” Shoot! Take a chance otherwise you will most likely have regrets from now on and you may never find the happiness you so desperately want, need and deserve. Also, learn to find the positive in ANY situation no matter how incredibly dark and negative it may be. No matter the situation. Look beyond the pain, disappointment and heartache. It is always possible to find positive even in death if you think more objectively. The positive is what gets you through while the adversity makes you stronger. Pertaining specifically to love, Strength reversed talks of how a low sense of self-worth or opinion of yourself will lead to a vicious cycle of one terrible relationship after another due to your own poor choices and settling as mentioned above. This lack of self-worth will often lead to people looking for problems in even the best of connections because they simply do not feel worthy of anything good in their lives. Stand up for yourself! Know your worth, professionally and personally, at all times. Never lose sight of who you truly are and do not ever settle. Always be striving for bigger and better in all things. You deserve it!
Tarot Card Draw #2: Eight of Wands
If the Eight of Wands shows up in your daily Tarot draw, be prepared for a whirlwind of activities swirling around you soon in the area of your life that is most concerning you at this time. This card speaks of a quick pace, sudden action, excitement and sometimes even travel both near and especially far. If you’ve been desiring some exciting changes in your life without much effort on your part, this is an excellent card to draw as it talks of exactly that. You will soon find yourself feeling quite positive and optimistic as well as have a surge of energy seemingly from out of nowhere, you will also be thinking quite quick on your feet. The Eight of Wands may turn up to tell you now is the time to try something new or take a chance in some way as you are almost guaranteed success. Alternatively, it warns of falling into obsessive or impulsive behaviors, an unhealthy infatuation with someone or something. Do not allow yourself to get carried away at this time. In love, the Eight of Wands talks of significant progress but also warns against jumping in too quickly without thinking things through. It is certainly possible that the rapid progress coupled with not thinking more objectively could result in you and your new partner burning too hot, too fast thus quickly fizzling out. If you are planning a trip of any kind, the Eight of Wands may be a foretelling of meeting a new romantic partner while away. In business and/or financial matters, this card warns that things may soon begin to move forward possibly at break-neck speed so be prepared as things may happen sooner than you’re expecting. It also warns of risky investments as well how a little extra money may be burning a hole in your pocket resulting is frivolous spending. Be careful.
Tarot Card Draw #3: Six of Pentacles, reversed
It is difficult to find the good when the Six of Pentacles turns up reversed in a daily draw, but not impossible. This card may just be showing up to bring your attention to some of your own manipulative actions or as a warning someone may be trying to take advantage of you in some way. That is about all of the good, unfortunately. Yet, it still can be used as a lesson learned situation in that it warns of someone being overly generous toward you with expectations of something, though unspoken at the time, in return. A professional superior, investor, banker may be expecting you to jump through hoops to obtain whatever it is you may desire or need. Be careful submitting to this situation as it could very well lead to them only expecting more and more of you. This card often warns of ulterior motives, either someone else’s or your own. It signals extreme manipulation, again either by you or someone else involved. It denotes a lack of generosity on your part or unscrupulous charities and those working on the behalf of persons less fortunate. They may be using that work to benefit themselves much more so than those they purport to be helping. You or someone else may be greatly abusing power or authority in some way be it professional, financial or even in personal relationships on every level. Do not allow yourself to be a brown noser and do not expect others to be such toward you. It often warns of being gullible, even falling victim to humiliating situations or sacrifices. Maybe you are taking advantage of someone’s good nature or them yours. For those looking for love, reversed Six of Pentacles warns that if you have a mean or controlling nature, you are sending out nonverbal ques for others to run as fast as they can in the opposite direction. Check yourself. When inquiring about someone you recently met and are wondering if they would make a good romantic partner, this card screams, “NO!”. You need to run as fast as you can in the opposite direction. When it comes to professional matters, the Six of Pentacles reversed is a very strong warning that now is not the time to take risky or unnecessary chances with your employment or in your business. In contract negotiations, this card warns to thoroughly read the fine print as if the deal sounds too good to be true, it most likely is. In finances, if you are doing well, it is time to pay it forward and not be stingy. At the same time, do not allow yourself to fall victim to those who will only expect more if you give of yourself or your time/money in some way. They will take advantage of you. Lastly, reversed Six of Pentacles may pop up to help you see you may be being underpaid and undervalued professionally. It is also a strong indicator to heed someone else’s financial advice or that assistance is available if you only look.
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