Choose Your Tarot Card
Here is your interactive tarot reading for today. Look at the image above and relax, focus on the first card that draws you in and that card will connect with your personal energy.
Once you have picked your card, you can scroll down to see it revealed then read the information for today that carries your journey with it.
Tarot Card Draw #1: Four of Cups, reversed
When the Four of Cups appears reversed in your tarot draw, this indicates you have been feeling as though you are in a slump and your life is not going the way you expected. However, you are on the verge of coming out of this down slide and will soon begin to see more positive outcomes. In your romantic life, if you are in a relationship, the Four of Cups reversed indicates you and your partner have been experiencing more difficulties, and after some contemplation you have likely determined your relationship is no longer worth pursuing. It is best to try to go your separate ways now before more damage is done. If you are looking for a relationship, the Four of Cups reversed indicates you have been in a sort of secluded state in which you no longer felt any desire to pursue any romantic connections. You had given up hope but are slowly starting to find yourself in a better state of mind and able to attract more viable connections. In your career, the Four of Cups reversed indicates you have been feeling as though your career is going stale and you are making no progress. However, you will soon begin to see more positive outcomes and begin to feel more progress in your career. This could come in the form of a new career or position, or you could simply begin to make some changes in your current position.
Tarot Card Draw #2: Four of Wands, reversed
When the Four of Wands appears reversed in your tarot draw, this indicates you have been experiencing some tension between close family members, or you have recently had to cancel or postpone a family event or gathering. The issues in your family have been causing you to feel left out and neglected and have had an incredibly negative impact on your attitude. Try to focus on more positive things happening in your life so these issues do not have such a negative effect on you. In your romantic life, if you are in a relationship, the Four of Wands reversed indicates your relationship is having major issues, and it is probably time to make it or break it. Either you and your partner need to be completely dedicated to repairing your issues and being able to move forward in a more happy and healthy fashion, or you need to just call it quits. Your issues will only continue to get worse if you ignore them. If you are looking for a relationship, the Four of Wands reversed indicates you have been feeling like an outcast, and that you are not worthy of any good romantic connection. You might also be focusing too hard on wishing to rekindle a last romance, and you will not be able to find any new viable connections until you clear your mind and let go of the past.
Tarot Card Draw #3: Knight of Cups, reversed
The Knight of Cups reversed in your tarot draw is a bad omen indicating some kind of offer that was preciously made to you but is no longer on the table. You will likely begin to experience some things that leave you feeling depressed and neglected, and you will struggle with your feelings towards those close to you and your life in general. Remember before anything else that your situation will improve, and this is only temporary. In your romantic life, if you are in a relationship, the Knight of Cups reversed is a bad omen indicating your relationship is coming to a bitter end. This will leave you feeling very distraught and heartbroken and will take some time to recover. Be careful with your actions and reactions and focus on creating a better future for yourself. If you are looking for a relationship, the Knight of Cups reversed indicates you will likely soon find yourself dating or speaking to someone who is not a good fit. You will not realize it at first, but this person will be very toxic and abusive. You need to be very careful who you encounter and pursue in the near future. In your career, the Knight of Cups reversed indicates something you have overlooked or receiving some kind of bad news. You might lose your position soon, receive a major decrease in your pay, or have some other major negative event. Keep pushing forward, as this is only temporary.
Thank you
Catharine, we thank you for taking time to not only read today’s Tarot Draw, but to comment as well. 🙂
Tamara x827