Moving On With The Eight of Cups Tarot
When the Eight of Cups shows up in a reading, it usually means that you are ready to move on and change something that is not satisfying or bringing you happiness. There is a sense of disappointment on how things have turned out, maybe at one point it brought you great happiness but now you feel an emptiness about a relationship, a life situation or even how you are view yourself. You know something is missing, maybe not clearly, but you are ready to make whatever changes are required to change things not turning out how you planned.
Often with the Eight of Cups, you are weighing in on whether to walk away from a situation that you have become disappointed in. It inevitably means making big choices of letting go of the unfulfilling relationship, job, career path or living arrangements that was once a source of great happiness to you but now only brings you discomfort and frustration. You have given it all you have but despite your best efforts, you are feeling a strong sense of disappointment on how things have turned out, realizing that you are no longer getting what you had hoped for in the situation. You have now come to the conclusion you’re your only choice is to put behind you what is not working and move into new territory.
Even if you are in a life situation that everything seems to be going well, the Eight of Cups suggests you feel something is missing on an emotional or spiritual level. You are now seriously re-evaluating how to change your situation instead of waiting to see if things get better. Sometimes, it may not make any sense to those around you as it seems that you have everything going for you but there is a longing brought on from your higher self that tells you without doubt, that you are not doing what you are meant to be doing or where you are meant to be. This card shows that you have asked yourself what really brings you joy, contentment and fulfilment on a deeper level.
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The reversed Eight of Cups raises the feelings of a stalemate in a disappointing situation, not knowing whether to try one last time to make things better or just throw in the towel and move on. You feel that you are caught between a rock and a hard place. This is a good time to not only seek advice from those who can see things more clearly viewing the situation from the outside (our 7th Sense Psychics are great at doing that by the way) and to also use your own intuition to help resolve your confusion and indecision.
In general, the Eight of Cups indicates that once you make your decision to make change, things will usually get better. Even if it is a sad goodbye, the road ahead is in your favor. It is a pro-active choice on your part and not one of being forced to make changes because of other’s choices.
Career, Love, Money, Health, Spirituality
Career: When the Eight of Cups shows up around work, your current job could no longer be right for you. You may be feeling bored, stuck in a dead end job or just ready to spread your wings and see what else is out there. Think long and hard about which is best; trying to fix things where you are, or moving on. Either option can work for you.
Love and Romance: You are trying to make a decision if a long-term relationship is working for you anymore and since there is never a good time to end one, be sure that you really want.out. It is also a cautionary card to not jump into a new relationship too quick, for singles too. Give yourself a little time.
Money: The Eight of Cups asks you to question if the security of a regular paycheck is keeping you tied to a job you are miserable in. With good planning, you can find a suitable replacement for your present job making the same amount of money if not more. Get fearless and start looking.
Health: This card always represents that stress and worry is a big factor that may be affecting your health. Do a quality health check list and see where you might be lacking in bad health habits: diet, no exercise, no downtime, no fun?
Spirituality: The Eight of Cups suggests that you could use some time alone to go within to help you make these important life decisions. Everyday noise is distracting, a little solitude may help you find the wisdom to make your choices.
Susan Z’s Verdict
Life is always in perpetual motion of change. Nothing stays the same for very long in this new earth energy. If it is time for that major shake-up in your life, be sure to think things through carefully as decisions made in impetuous energy usually makes us wish we would have thought it over more carefully.
Hello happy holidays .beautiful card .
Well said. I have been put on the back burner long enough. TIME TO MOVE ON.
I feel like you were in my head reading my thoughts This battle of not being sure should i keep trying or move on . I’m sure of what I should do but as always that 1st step is always the hardest.