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Music Purely Medicinal for Miranda Lambert

Miranda Lambert

Music Purely Medicinal for Miranda Lambert

Time has not proved a healer for the country star. Miranda Lambert broke down in tears during a recent concert after singing a song co-written by herself and ex-husband Blake Shelton. The award-winning song was about Shelton’s brother who died in an accident. Miranda asked the fans to sing with her and they did not disappoint. She describes her recent past as a time of heartache and healing, with the need to be honest with herself while confronting her feelings. Miranda topped the iTunes music charts last year with her song ‘Vice.’ Her music continues to be medicine for herself and many others.

 Véronique’s Verdict

Miranda drew the Queen of Pentacles, the Five of Wands and the Princess of Hearts. The Queen of Pentacles shows Miranda’s hard working and nurturing side. Although this card is associated with wealth and affluence, I do not see Miranda chasing money. She understands the privileged position that she has found herself in and uses her celebrity for the humanitarian work that she is involved in. The Five of Wands shows the conflict within Miranda’s conscience; abundance versus the needs of others who may be struggling. The Princess of Hearts represents Miranda’s kingdom of romance, where she wears her heart very much on her sleeve. She has been gifted with a poetic nature and uses this as a platform to help others speak their truth. This down to earth lady will continue to use her celebrity in the best and most self-serving way.

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