Neil Armstrong’s Long-Lost Moon Bag To Fetch Up To $4 Million At Auction

The long-lost bag used by U.S. astronaut Neil Armstrong to bring back to Earth the first samples of moon dust is expected to sell for up to $4 million when it is auctioned with other space memorabilia next week in New York City. The sale at international art auction house Sotheby’s also features the Apollo 13 flight plan annotated by its crew, a spacesuit worn by U.S. astronaut Gus Grissom and lunar photographs taken by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The auction will be held on July 20, the 48th anniversary of the first moon landing, and organizers hope it will draw large crowds. “It (space) is one of few subjects that I think are not culturally specific. It doesn’t matter your religion, where you’re from or what language you speak,” stated Cassandra Hatton, a vice president and senior specialist at Sotheby’s. “We all have the common experience of staring up at the sky and wondering what’s going on amongst the stars.”

The fate of the bag, which measures 12 inches by 8.5 inches and is labeled “Lunar Sample Return”, was unknown for decades after Armstrong and his Apollo 11 crew came home in July 1969.

For years it sat in a box, unidentified, at the Johnson Space Center in Houston. It ultimately surfaced in the garage of the manager of a Kansas museum, who was convicted of its theft in 2014, according to court records. The bag was seized by the U.S. Marshals Service which put it up for auction three times, drawing no bids, until it was bought in 2015 for $995 by a Chicago-area attorney, Nancy Lee Carlson. She sent the bag to NASA for authentication and when tests revealed it was used by Armstrong and still had moon dust traces inside, the U.S. space agency decided to keep it. Carlson successfully sued NASA to get the bag back and the attention created by her legal challenge prompted many inquiries from potential buyers, according to Sotheby’s. That led Carlson to decide to auction it again. Hatton said she was sure the bag would find a good home. “Such artifacts usually go through the hands of several different owners over the years,” she added. “Just know that the kind of person that would pay money like this for this item is going to take excellent care of it,” Hatton said. “Nothing is lost forever.”

As Simply Stated Above, Nothing Is Lost Forever!

Susan Z’s Conclusion:

Americans have long since stopped being enamored with space travel but during that period of televised “moon walks” and viewing the earth in all its beauty for the first time from space will forever be part of our history. There will definitely be a space travel connoisseur with deep pockets who will covet Armstrong’s moon bag.

This is letting something die away that is no longer needed and transformation. As mentioned above, space travel is no longer in the daily news and we now receive long, long range reports from satellites that take years to reach far reaching solar systems. The moon we could look up and see with our own eyes.

New Relationship:
This is a card of a new love relationship. It pretty much is self-explanatory on how the new owner will feel about owning this fabulous piece of history from the American space era.

Knight of Wands: Inverted (Upside Down)
This about freedom to do what one wants to do and impatience. I believe this represents a buyer who is very excited about making this purchase and has been patiently waiting through all the delays for its release to auction.


Susan Z Rich is an emotional addiction counsellor, spiritual intuitive and holistic therapist. She counsels others to see life in a more positive way and teaches personal accountability for life choices. She is also the author of several children’s books and Soul Windows … Secrets From The Divine.

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