Numerology Applied to Tarot, Part I
Tarot is a divinatory system that can be enriched with many other practices such as astrology, kabbalah, symbolism and of course, numerology.
Numerology is by definition, the branch of knowledge that relates to the significance of numbers. When it comes to Tarot, it is no different. Bearing in mind the meanings of the numbers can add a new layer of meaning to your Tarot reading.
Today, we are going to explore two numerologic techniques that can be applied to Tarot: The Birth Card, that represents your inner strengths, your life challenges and certain parts of your personality and the combination of Personality and Soul Cards, that represents your current life lessons and your soul lessons.
Birth Card
Your Birth Card, or the Birth Card of a client is the numerical reduction of their date of birth. This will give the reader more information about this person particular qualities and the challenges that they are likely to deal with during their lifetime.
Let’s see a practical example. My date of birth is May 18th, 1992. 0+5+1+8+1+9+9+2 = 35 Since we need to reduce it to a one digit number, 3+5 = 8 and my Birth Card is Strength in the VIII Arcana in the Rider Waite System (Although if you’re a Marseilles’ reader, it would be Justice).
If you were born, let’s say, on January 13th, 1950 0+1+1+3+1+9+5+0 = 15, 1+5 = 6, your Birth Card would be The Lovers.
Story continues below…
Calculating your Personality Card and Soul Card
There is a different method that seeks two different cards, the Personality Card and the Soul Card. While the Personality Card speaks about your purpose and lessons in this lifetime, the Soul Card will speak about your Soul’s Purpose during all of your life times.
For this, the calculation is as follows.
Going on with the same date, January 13th, 1950 you would take 0+1+1+3 = 5 and add it to the year 1950+5 = 1+9+5+5 = 20 (Judgment) and 2+0 = 2 (High Priestess)
Calculating, exploring and learning more about these cards and their meaning can help you gain a better understanding of yourself and others, and at the same time, they can help you identify, work through and overcome many patterns, challenges and lessons during your lifetime.
Sibyl’s Verdict
What is best than learning about ourselves? Sometimes, we seek answers about surrounding or external situations and we forget to look within! A reading about your most personal self and your own soul’s path can be enlightening and enriching. Have you ever tried it out? Consider doing so!
Lol I still can’t figure out how to do it I’m not that smart no More
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