Oprah Winfrey gives an inspirational speech on Career, Religion and Living the Dream.
Oprah Winfrey took to the stage this weekend at the 2016 ESSENCE Festival and delivered an inspirational speech on her success, religion and how her life came to be where it is today. I have to say I am a big fan of this lady, as she appears passionate about so many things in her life and seems to have a handle on the value of the journey. Something so many people have yet to discover. Oprah said “I am living the dream and I want you to live the dream. I’m not living the dream because I’m special, but I was obedient to the call of the dream. I’m living in the space of the dream and the dream is good. There is a bigger dream for you. What is God’s dream for you? What does the creator’s dream hold for you?”
Magical words Oprah and I can personally vouch for what she is saying. I am nowhere near as wealthy as Oprah materially, but I’m wealthy in life, in the space I am in and once I stopped trying to live other people’s dreams and discovered my own, my heart found a happy space. Happiness is wealth in itself. Oprah went on to talk about the importance of your energy, what you do, say and generally who you are. The power of intention. Wise words from a wise woman. I can relate on so many levels with what Oprah is saying. In my book she is one of the greats and her journey will be marked in the history of showbiz, but I would like to think, some would listen to her words and realise her journey was not an easy one and usually these are the journeys that bring you to the most enlightening places.
Master Psychic Vincent’s Verdict.
What do the cards say for Oprah? Oprah drew the Knight of Coins, showing that although she is now surrounded by luxury, it was hard won and the Knight of Coins shows the battle she fought to get where she is today. The Page of Cups shows that although she has had to toughen up over the years, her heart remains true to the way she was raised. There is a Christian trend to her personality that runs through her life. Not to the point of being gullible, life has thought her well on that ground. She has a good heart and it feeds her soul in the good deeds she does. The Two of Coins shows charity around Oprah. She realises that karma is a powerful thing and what you send out you get back. Not that this is why she does things, she knows what is right, it’s as simple as that and there is no need to complicate things to make them sound right.
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