Orange is the new black lessons in life.
The lead player in Orange is the New Black is a character called Piper Chapmen. Piper relays the true life experience of the author Piper Eressea Kirman, on her journey through the legal system and time spent in a woman’s prison. Rather than taking the rough, horrible route in explaining her story, she has decided to take the heavy out of it and make it a light hearted comedy. If nothing else, it shows how someone can take the bad and turn it into the good, when she starts her own business in women’s underwear, out of left over pieces of cloth.
Well, it’s right up there with Maria making clothes out of the curtains for the Van Trap kids in The Sound of Music, but I doubt the Nuns would appreciate the comparison. If nothing else, this is a fun look at the serious side of life and how even someone who does stupid stuff like drug trafficking, can turn things around in their favour. The Character Piper appears to be a little more academically talented than her prison mates, but it doesn’t stop her from doing some stupid stuff. A lesson to the wise there.
What do the cards say about Piper Kirman? Piper drew the Eight of Swords, The Four of Cups and The Two of Coins. Well the Eight of Swords would portray the character that got her where she is today. Although she is a clever woman, she has done some silly things, but then who hasn’t? She doesn’t appear to want to wallow in sorrow over it as the Four of Cups shows how she likes emotional balance around her also. The Two of Coins shows that she is quite good at making money, as we can see that she took something that would normally scar someone for life and made it a positive earner, which is putting money in her pocket to this day. Piper has learned from her mistakes and is not likely to make them again. The lady has the ability to multitask, as I feel boredom drives her insane. So watch this space.
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