Dove Apologizes for Racist Ad

Before an advertising campaign can reach the public, it goes through several stages of planning and checks. Many people have a thorough look at the material, and decide whether it’s suitable to charm the public or not. And yet, from time to time, the meaning doesn’t come through, or the ad gets an additional meaning. An unfavourable one at that.

Dove launched a short GIF on their Facebook page on Friday, hoping to gain more exposure. Well, they did achieve that, just not the way they intended to. Although throughout the years Dove has been advocating equality and diversity, this ad was too controversial to be liked. Many people voiced their concerns, and Dove took the GIF down on Saturday, along with an apology.

It makes one wonder just how much offensiveness could be in 3 seconds. Apparently, even 3 seconds are enough to upset the balance. Especially if during that time a black woman removes a dark brown shirt, just to reveal a white woman. They probably didn’t mean it that way, but the GIF sent the wrong message. One that encourages discrimination and low self-esteem.

Okay, so they wanted to say that every woman who tries their shower cream will become a new person. They wanted it to look diverse, too, including women from different backgrounds. And yet, somehow, all of this was used in an inappropriate way, causing the stir.

Dove isn’t the first company to launch a controversial campaign, nor are they the last ones. But it seems like they will be facing real problems as a result. Regardless of their apology. Let’s ask the cards about the backlash of this campaign. Will it set the company back? Will it effect those who watched it in a negative way? What should have been the message instead?

Psychic Timea’s Reading

Card One: The Hierophant

Dove’s core values remain intact. They have a track record of showing that they care about people, especially women. Everyone makes mistakes, but of course that doesn’t make it right. However, Dove will get back to their ‘old’ reputation with time.

The Hierophant

Card Two: Ace of Wands

This ad might have been controversial and racist, but it did have a message. Those who objected might not be happy about it, but their sense of identity is really strong. And that’s a good thing! Events like these always remind us who we are, even if not in the best way possible.

Ace of Wands

Card Three: The High Priestess

Always remember, only you know what’s best for you. You can be whoever you want to be. Connect with your inner self, and explore all your options wisely.

The High Priestess

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Timea is a Psychic and Intuitive Empath, who uses her natural gifts along with her studies in Traditional Reiki to guide you through the process of self-healing. She is here to help you awaken your inner self.

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