Passionate New Beginnings With The Knight of Wands

Seeing the Knight of Wands in a reading spread, is always an indication of new beginnings and changes that have been in the works. The passion and enthusiasm behind that endeavor is charged with the motivation to see it through and to make those changes happen as quickly as you can, if not already in the middle of it.

The Knight of Wands always shows you are on an inspired quest of something you want. You are revved up on passionate energy with the motivation through your actions to make it happen. You have a clear vision about what you want to create and you move forward with faith, passion and inspiration as you watch what you put into play become reality. It is definitely a sign of going for it and making strong headway to getting what you want.

You are feeling courageous and willing to take the needed leap of faith to take chances and risks to fulfil your dreams. You take on the attitude you are ready to conquer any challenges that may lie ahead with a sense of starting a new adventure or chapter of your life and you are ready for it! You have an instinct that this new experience or change will alter your life for the better, whether it be a new job, relationship, becoming a mother for the first time or hiking to the top of that mountain you have been promising yourself to do. You are ready to take on the calculated risks to get what you what. During this period of time, this passion, enthusiasm, courage and confidence makes you highly charismatic in others eyes.

If pulled reversed, the Knight of Wands can express a personality of ‘act first, think later’. In your pursuit for that perfect desired outcome, you can become impulsive and impatient, expecting everything to be done yesterday. (we are all familiar with that!) You may have an inclination to rush into those changes or risks without consideration of the consequences of your actions. You can easily fall into the energy of ‘leaping before you look’, then regretting your hasty decision. It can also indicate the old saying: “All talk, no action.”

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In general, the Knight of Wands represents you starting enthusiastic change in your life, usually in work or career but can be in whatever area you feel stagnant or all of them. You are charged up, self-confident, full of energy and ready to see your desired outcome come to fruition.

Career, Love, Money, Health, Spirituality

Career: This is a very positive card where work is concerned. Sometimes travel will come up in some form around your job when the Knight of Wands shows up. If you’re waiting to hear back from an interview for a new job, you are more than likely to get the position.

Love and Romance: The Knight of Wands may also be showing the possibility of an office romance or meeting someone new through your work, either a co-worker or by way of introduction. If you’re already committed, be careful that you are not giving mixed signals to a co-worker. If it looks like a possibility of a relationship moving forward, communication is the key. This will stop any impulsive action on something that should have stayed in the flirting stage and taken no farther.

Money: The Knight of Wands always shows that money is flowing more easily for you and your finances are getting better. Be sure to not let that impulsive energy take over when you get that raise or come into a little more money than you usually have. Set some aside for that rainy day.

Health: This tarot card indicates that your health situation is in overall good shape. With the energetic forwardness of a new goal, one should be careful when trying out new exercise routines as small injuries can be the result. If you have already been injured, the Knight of Wands cautions not to overdo too soon. Remember this card is the energy of passion and enthusiasm of forward movement.

Spirituality: You may find yourself enthusiastically pursuing a new way of looking at your spiritual beliefs. You find your curiosity and passion suddenly stirred over spiritual pursuits that were never there before but now you are strongly drawn to them. Once again, caution the impulsive desire to jump right in and embrace a new belief. Take some time to explore everything about it before signing up for all those seminars and courses.

Susan Z’s Verdict

The passion and enthusiasm of the Knight of Wands is what brings about exciting change to our lives. It addresses stagnation and forces us to face our fears of change or failure. Procrastination is often the roadblock on our new creative ideas and plans. If you don’t try to build your new house in a week and satisfied that you just laid the foundation, you will see the desired outcome that you are all fired up about.

Considering getting a tarot card reading? We have carefully screened and selected a range of gifted, compassionate tarot readers to provide clarity and new insights into your life. Online readers available 24/7.



Susan Z Rich is an emotional addiction counsellor, spiritual intuitive and holistic therapist. She counsels others to see life in a more positive way and teaches personal accountability for life choices. She is also the author of several children’s books and Soul Windows … Secrets From The Divine.


  1. Charlette Barr

    Thank you for all you wisdom and advice I always look forward to my weekend Tarot reading…love &light char…

  2. Deborah Silva

    Thanks for the reading… I’m anxious to see what 2019 brings me

  3. Thank you so much…Ive been looking for some type of guidance through the mess I Have Created….