An adulterous Rock Star ? Surely not! Pink Floyd’s keyboardist Rick Wright’s ex Franka tells all in her search for inner peace.
In 1992, Pink Floyd, Were at the height of their success, having sold over 250 million albums globally and one of the band members Richard Wright appeared to live life to the max, according to his second wife Franka Wright in a tell-all publication.
Rick met Franka in 1981 when she was married to another man, proving not too much of a challenge for Rick when he told Franka’s then husband that he was madly in love with her. Franka and Rick went on to become a couple the following year and divided their time between Rick’s homes in America, France, England, and Greece, before marrying a few years later in 1984. The second marriage for both of them. They subsequently divorced in 1994.
Despite more than 20 years having passed, Franka maintains that she was left almost penniless, receiving £150,000 in the financial settlement following their divorce. In her quest to seek closure from the occupational hazard of (formerly) being married to a rock star, she wishes to both share and draw a line under the frustration and emotional betrayal that she felt during their 10 year relationship, holding Rick, in part, responsible for the three miscarriages that she suffered while they were together and also for an ectopic pregnancy. She stated that she flew all over the world whilst pregnant in order to be with him and prevent him from taking to other women into his bed.
Time has not proved to be a healer or the hurt diminished.
Rick allegedly left a £24 million fortune to his children when he died of cancer in 2008, which was some 14 years after their divorce. Franka remains childless and has never remarried. She runs a worldwide Pink Floyd fan club.
Véronique’s Verdict
This fairytale wedding took a serious nose dive. I wonder if the lady in question had one or two unrealistic expectations from her handsome wealthy rock star husband. Many people feel cheated in relationships and go on to attempt to gain some kind of justice in whatever form they are able to. I can’t help but wonder if this lady considered herself as someone who had met ‘Mr right’ going on to immediately try to change him and despite the saying ‘what goes on tour, stays on tour’, one’s husband fathering another woman’s child is devastating at best, intolerable at worst, given the nature of Franka’s loss. So what do the cards say for this troubled lady? Well, unsurprisingly, we have the Justice Card, the Four of Pentacles and The Empress. All three cards represent the perceived challenges that she faced in her marriage. She has not yet made peace with the past and I feel that her quest for inner peace will continue indefinitely. Justice and the Four of Pentacles combined show’s her clinging onto the unfairness and inequality of the relationship and also the financial settlement, although she did not wish to move on from the material trappings that the lifestyle offered, she felt let down by the financial compensation that was offered to her. The Empress is no surprise here, the $64,000 question asked by many people involves the subject of a child or future children. Sadly, not everyone is able to conceive and even then, not everyone is lucky enough to have a baby, healthy or otherwise, the feelings of devastation continue to haunt her and no amount of financial compensation can make up for that kind of loss. I do not feel that there is a happy ending here, this lady has a story to tell, and she’s going to tell it irrespective of the impact that it may have on Rick’s existing family. RIP ~ Richard Wright.
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