2021 Tarotscope

Sagittarius Tarotscope for 2021

Reading the Year Ahead for Sagittarius

A tarotscope is a horoscope that uses tarot cards to guide the astrological divination and help focus it for the reader. Here I’ve pulled three cards to illuminate what’s coming up in 2021 for Sagittarius.

January to April: Wheel of Fortune

For Sagittarius, the coming of the new year is like a mighty weight being lifted off your shoulders. 2020 was a friend to few, and the Wheel of Fortune card reminds us that everything has its time. The stresses of 2020 should be burning out as the sun rises on a new year full of possibilities. You live for new experiences and knowledge. Your brain and soul just absorb new experiences. A new year with all it has to offer is an unopened gift. Take the time early in the season to take all this in. You can choose any path you wish, but after the restrictions of 2020, you should be feeling a surge of freedom like never before. Like a once caged bird now flying high over mountains, you are free to go where your heart desires.

May to September: Nine of Swords

The Nine of Swords can often signify frustration at things not moving as fast as you would like. It’s important that you don’t give up and walk away from something you have invested a lot of time into. The summer months are the growing months, and even mother nature seems to take on a slower pace. Things will come together when the time is right. And when they have reached their best. Half-done or incomplete are not words that sit well in the Sagittarius house. A flower has a season and comes quickly and leaves quickly. However, the mighty oak takes it’s time to grow and lasts hundreds of years, capable of withstanding the strongest of storms. This is why allowing things to develop as they need to and being patient is the best approach.

October to December: Ace of Swords

The winter months seem to get you in the mood for putting the extra effort where it is needed. There is a feeling of having a sense of direction and purpose. Some people may be trying to force you off track. This may not be intentional, but it is worth standing your ground politely. For a lot of Sagittarians, the Ace of Swords is showing a single-minded direct approach is needed to ensure you leave this year behind knowing you have achieved great things. You entered the world at this time of year, it holds its own but of magic for you. So when celebrating another birthday, remind yourself that you haven’t wasted another year and don’t intend to waste the next one either.

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