Samuel L Jackson gets a lifetime achievement award

At the BET Awards 2016, Samuel L Jackson took home a lifetime achievement award. Presenter Spike lee described him as one of the greatest actors on Gods Planet during the award ceremony. The Actor gave thanks to his family and close friends for all their support throughout his career. He was quoted as saying:” First I want to thank god for giving me this opportunity even in the beginning. A young man who grew up in a segregated Tennessee, nobody told me I could be this. So here I am and there you are, thank god for that.”

The Actor had to admit that he was nervous and excited all at the same time, and that he could hear his voice shaking and that he found it strange to hear himself sound that way. Well for someone who can perform on the world stage with apparently such ease, it must be strange for him to feel nervous when they finally turn around and remind him what a wonderful contribution he has given to the world.

Master Psychic Vincent’s Verdict.

What do the cards say about Samuel this week? The three cards drawn for Samuel are the Queen of Cups indicating the Mother figure in his life, the Two of Coins, his struggle to get where he is, and the knight of coins, someone who hasn’t forgotten where he came from on his journey. I feel looking at these cards that from the start his Mothers strength was a driving force. She comes across in the cards as the very energy that drove him forward. The two of coins symbolises the struggle the young actor had and how through humility thought to him by a loving Mother figure, he will continue to have success in abundance.


As the 7th Son of a 7th Son, Vincent was born a Psychic, Clairvoyant and Healer according to Irish folklore. For decades, Vincent has used his gifts to help people from all walks of life find clarity, direction and purpose. Now he can help guide you.

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