Scarlett Johansson wows the crowds at Friars Club

Scarlett Johansson certainly made an appearance at a Friars Club event in honor of Tony Bennett in New York. She looked incredible in her one- shoulder black dress at the event. The actress, singer, model just can’t get it wrong. I mean you could throw a blanket over this lady and she would make it look amazing. Her awards and appearances are just too long to mention and she is still in her thirties. Wow this lady has so much more to give, and there are so many strings to her bow that you never really know where she is going to take you.

She has been named as one of the sexiest women in the world, Johansson is definitely considered to be one of Hollywood’s modern sex symbols. She tends to have that Marilyn energy going on that most actresses strive to get, but it only comes naturally to a precious few. Whatever it is she has it in abundance, but with a level headed intelligence to go with it. So if you’re looking for a dumb blonde you won’t find her here.

Master Psychic Vincent’s Verdict

What do the cards say for Scarlett? Wow Scarlett drew all major arcana cards. Which means nothing to Joe Soap, but to people like me they are very powerful. The major arcana are the steps that Scarlett Johansson lands on through the journey of life every now and then, and as standalone they speak for themselves. The first one is The World Card. It’s a time of completion, everything has come full circle and Scarlett must now look to the new. The world card does not devalue all we have achieved, but holds it like savings in a bank. The Justice Card shows Scarlett that now that you are at a new crossroads, take time to look around and see first what you have achieved, secondly what you can do with it, and thirdly where it will make you happiest. Finally The Devil Card; he is the card of routine, but not the good type. He talks about stuff we do which we know is not helpful to us on our journey, but we and we alone can break the chain that binds it to us.


As the 7th Son of a 7th Son, Vincent was born a Psychic, Clairvoyant and Healer according to Irish folklore. For decades, Vincent has used his gifts to help people from all walks of life find clarity, direction and purpose. Now he can help guide you.

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