Scarlett Johansson Has Political Ambitions!

Scarlett Johansson, who passionately stumped for Barack Obama during his 2012 re-election run, revealed on “Good Morning America” she’s mulling a political career of her own — but not right now. She stated, “I’ve always been interested in local politics. Right now, I think with my young daughter and also the way my career’s going right now, it’s not the right time.” It’s been quite a busy 2017 already for the 32-year-old actress, so we can see why running for office just isn’t in the cards for her right now. She has been traveling all over the world to promote her latest flick, “Ghost in the Shell,”.

She participated and spoke at the Women’s March on Washington, a strong supporter of Hilary Clinton and she is also very vocal on the White House appointed role President Trump’s daughter Ivanka she feels is not using to her advantage. Scarlett states: “If you take a job as a public advocate, then you must advocate publicly,”. “You can’t have it both ways.” Johansson’s comments were in reference to Trump’s interview in which she stated her impact in her father’s presidency would be more behind-the-scenes than overt. Ivanka stated that she will be “advocating for the economic empowerment of women,” but the impact won’t be a visible one. “I think most of the impact I have over time, most people will not actually know about,” she said.

But Johansson thinks Trump should be doing much more, and called the interview “disappointing.” “It’s such an old-fashioned concept,” Johansson said. “Powerful women often get concerned with this idea that they’re going to be seen in this unforgiving light. Screw that. It’s so old-fashioned… it’s so uninspired and actually really cowardly. And I was so disappointed by that interview she gave yesterday.” Johansson also said that Trump’s position of power as a close confidant of her father is a tremendous waste. “She has an opportunity to really make a big impact just by being vocal… I’ve met her several times in the past, and she’s a very well spoken, smart, intelligent woman… the whole situation baffles me.”

What Kind of Politician Will Scarlett Johansson Make?

Susan Z’ Conclusion:

Ace of Wands: Inverted (Upside Down)
The card represents a passionate new life beginning. Since it is inverted, it may also represent that she may put off her political passion full time because of another child being born.

Three of Cups:
The card represents joyous celebration! She really loves the political game and has all the imprints of a mover and shaker in women’s rights. I believe she will be a passionate supporter of the underdog and possibly end up being in the Senate or Congress by her 50’s.

Six of Wands: (Inverted)
This card represents a victory is her ambitions and desires and also what she sets her sights on to accomplish. Being inverted may show the more she becomes embroiled in politics, she may have to make some hard life choices about acting and family. All in all, she has that strong warrioress energy that makes for great politicians and advocates.


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Susan Z Rich is an emotional addiction counsellor, spiritual intuitive and holistic therapist. She counsels others to see life in a more positive way and teaches personal accountability for life choices. She is also the author of several children’s books and Soul Windows … Secrets From The Divine.

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