Sex and the City 3 Is Not Going To Happen And It’s Getting Nasty!

Being an occasional fan of the TV series Sex and the City, I was looking forward to the first movie when it came out in 2008 and did not disappoint all those Christian Louboutin shoe wearing girls. Carrie got Mr. Big, babies were born and a happy ending for all.

Sex and the City 2, on the other hand… meh!

However, when the rumors started that Sarah Jessica Parker, who is the producer, was working on making a final installment movie that wrapped up all the story lines, I was rooting for it. Well, those plans seem to have fallen by the wayside now as one of the “girls” doesn’t want to come out and play, and everyone is pissed!

The third and final film in the franchise was scrapped this month, according to series star Parker, who declared that the story of Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda is “officially over.”

“We had this beautiful, funny, heartbreaking, joyful, very relatable script and story,” she told Extra. “It’s not just disappointing that we don’t get to tell the story and have that experience, but more so for that audience that has been so vocal in wanting another movie.”

Kim Cattrall brings the project down

Reports have circulated that Kim Cattrall, who plays Samantha, was responsible for the delay due to her production demands on the studio. Cattrall is now trying to shut down any speculation that the movie is not happening because of her “diva” behavior.

“At this very moment it’s quite extraordinary to get any kind of negative press about something that I’ve been saying for almost a year of ‘no,’ that I’m demanding or a diva,” Cattrall told The Daily Mail. “And this is really where I take to task the people from Sex and the City and specifically Sarah Jessica Parker, in that I think she could have been nicer. I don’t know what her issue is. I never have.”

Cattrall says she was approached last December about making a third Sex and the City movie but immediately knew she had no interest in appearing in the project, despite the producer’s insistence.

“This isn’t about more money, this is not about more scenes, it’s not about any of those things,” she continued. “This is about a clear decision, an empowered decision in my life to end one chapter and start another.”

The other side of the story is from my favorite character in the show, Stanford. Anyone who has watched Sex and the City knows that this character lives for the drama. Willie Garson, who played Carrie’s bespectacled confidante Stanford Blatch on the HBO series and in the two feature films, weighed in on the controversy after the interview, in which Cattrall described her relationship with her Sex and the City co-stars as “toxic.”

“Dear fans, because I’m ‘toxic’, I’m going to negotiate a contract for 6 months, not come to terms, then say I never wanted to do it anyway,” he wrote. Let the catfight begin!

Susan Z’s Conclusion:

Regardless of Cattrall’s insistence she was “just not interested,” it just doesn’t ring true to me. Her career has not exactly been A-Lister since the series and yes, she is 61 but the storyline was always good. I feel this was a personal one on one, diva, ego & power fight between Parker and Cattrall. Cattrall knowing that she held the trump card to make or break the movie and Parker not wanting to give into her demands, whatever they may have been.

Nine of Wands:

Working through a difficult situation. This card tells me the negotiations between Parker and Cattrall were combative right from the start.

Five of Pentacles:

Low self-esteem and a less than mentality. This may represent one of Cattrall’s issues for the final movie project. Her character of Samantha not having much of a storyline.

Eight of Pentacles:

Working diligently and hard at getting what you want. I would say this shows that Parker worked her butt off to try and get this project to happen.


Susan Z Rich is an emotional addiction counsellor, spiritual intuitive and holistic therapist. She counsels others to see life in a more positive way and teaches personal accountability for life choices. She is also the author of several children’s books and Soul Windows … Secrets From The Divine.

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