Should You Call Him?
This is the question women ask themselves and their psychic regularly after meeting a guy whom they exchanged contact information and he promises to reconnect. The answer is… it depends.
Generally, the rule is that if he is interested, he will call you. If he lost your number and is interested, he will find you on Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. On the other hand, if you want ti call him first and it is from a place of confidence and not desperation, then it can be done properly.
It’s only with self-confidence and having authentic independence that this can be done successfully. If you call him and come off at all desperate, then game over. The key is all in the delivery and not being attached to the outcome of your call. You like him, but you are just gathering information on where you stand.
And yes, unfortunately there is a game that is played in the dating world. The game is not all bad and actually can be really exciting and fun if one plays it right and is capable of walking the fine line between appearing desperate and interested.
(READ: Stop Sabotaging Relationships)
Confidence is Key
Confidence is key to everything. People with confidence are perceived capable of doing practically anything and seem to be magnetic to people. If you have self-confidence, it is a proven fact the energy you send out will get more job offers, date offers and you will just have overall more opportunities in life.
How do you get confidence? By building up yourself and working on all the assets you have to offer or want to offer. When you are single you have more time to work on yourself. Take that cooking, martial arts, or Spanish class you always wanted to try. Put time and investment into yourself to make yourself feel more interesting and well rounded.
You will feel good about yourself knowing you are capable and therefore, you build your confidence on that. It sounds much more interesting to say your hobbies including bike riding and reading Greek history than watching reality TV and getting manicures.
Once you take the approach of doing more things that make you feel good about yourself, what comes is this new-found confidence. It will also attract more potential dates, which is the other key component of dating. Always try to have several irons in the fire. Go out and meet lots of people and get numerous dates going.
That is the way you won’t be too invested in one person and be overly disappointed if he doesn’t call. It’s always nice to have several options to choose from. Regardless of what issue you are trying to address in the relationship game, it always comes back to how you feel about yourself.
Following the guidelines of what place YOU are in when and if you make the call will make all the difference in the outcome. Loading up on self-confidence will not only help you find that special someone you have been looking for but it will make you feel better about yourself overall. You will no longer have to worry about if you should call him, because he will. If he doesn’t then, oh well. It’s his loss and you have other options anyway.
Susan Z’s Verdict
Basically, the rules of dating now are there are no rules, which makes it so confusing to what choices you should make when you like someone and want to see them again. We still cling to the old traditions that it is the man’s place to call if he is interested and that is true, if he is interested, he will call but sometimes life gets in the way. That’s when you take that confidence and regardless of the outcome, these four things will be addressed and keep you from wondering where you stand with this new guy.
- You will now know if there is going to be a second date.
- You will know if he is even remotely interested in seeing you again.
- You will open the door for a second date.
- You will know he is not interested and move on. His loss..and you keep room open for that great new guy.
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