Emma Ringrose is a young woman who has agreed to share her journey getting weekly readings from Master Psychic Vincent, and the effect it has on her day-to-day life. My First Psychic Reading from an Online Psychic Everyone possesses a type of sense that is unlike any other,…
This is part 2 of the Voices We Hear series, to read the first part, click here. What to do if you hear voices If you have a persistent thought or a clear speaking voice in your head that will not go away telling you that you have…
Hearing Voices In Your Head Anyone who has ever had a psychic reading with someone who has the gift of clairaudence (meaning clear hearing) or a session with a spirit medium, has heard these words spoken often; “What I am hearing is this or that about the subject…
Chiron Return: Midlife Reset and Do-Over! Chiron Return when it starts hitting your Sun sign at around the age of 47 through 64, is usually the beginning of what everyone calls “midlife crisis”. It can be an awakening or it can be a challenge. Regardless of how happy…
The Psychic Backlash of Paranormal Investigation Anyone who has watched the Paranormal Investigators, Ghost Hunters or The Haunted, see the eagerness of the people who are on the shows. They talk up possibilities of what they will find, enthusiastically relate all the gory details that come with the…
Sexuality and Chakras: The Difference Between Men and Women “Eureka, that explains it,” I exclaimed out loud, fifteen years ago, when I discovered a theory about how men and women’s sexual differences lie in the chakras. But, did it? Read on to investigate this philosophy. Our Root Chakra…
Our Obsession with Gems – Superstition or Science? Precious and semi-precious stones have been the center of fascination for millennia. They are colorful, shiny and mysterious, so of course everyone wants to get their hands on them. But their true value lies way beyond any currency that we…
The Art of Smudging, a Shamanic Cleansing Ritual We have all experienced that moment when we are in someone’s presence or have been to a place where we feel “bad vibes.” Negative energy can change yours in a moment and even if you know how to do the…
The End of the World is Approaching – According to Newton Doom’s Day has come and gone – a few times. Well, according to predictions, that is. Is it surprising then, that whenever there is a ‘new’ theory, people are reluctant to believe it? The world was supposed…