Standing ovation required for Eva Mendes, but why?
Eva Mendes has revealed that she is not putting herself under pressure to get her shape back. She is after the birth of her second child with her Partner Ryan Gosling. Eva gave birth to her second child just four months ago and is already mother to two-year-old child Esmerelda. Any Mother anywhere will be able to sympathise with how busy she must be at this time. So she is right to take the natural route to getting back in shape.
It’s very refreshing to see a celebrity take the normal path after childbirth. And it sends a powerful message to all young mothers. There is nothing wrong with your body shape. You have just done one of the most amazing things in this world. You should be proud of how you look. In an age where people are forced to look thin at all times. Some celebrities have resorted to some questionable methods to achieve the think look.
Your health is your wealth, and with small children around, you need to be in top form. So starving is not the way. Your body needs time to repair itself. And the healthy way to do that is not overnight.
Master Psychic Vincent’s Verdict.
What do the cards reveal for you today Eva, as you once again walk down the fulfilled road of Motherhood?
The Ace of Coins shows that it’s all about priorities now. You know what is important and what can wait until later. And enjoying Motherhood and your precious new arrival is top of the list for where your mind should be. You are aware many women feel pressurised into bouncing back fast after childbirth. And in your actions, you have led a new way of looking at things.
The Three of Cups is the card of the heart. It is a typical card a Mother would get as she indulges herself in her children and their lives. It’s as though your life has been taken over by them in the most wonderful of ways. For the time being this is the only place your mind and heart need to be. I’m sure Ryan is just as besotted, so you will not be alone in your emotional journey.
The World Card shows a new beginning, such as birth is. This is a still a new chapter in your life. It is possibly the most fulfilling one so far. This is not a time to plan too far into the future. Because in doing so you may miss the important little moments that fill every day. One day at a time is the way to go. And everyone here at 7th Sense offers you and Ryan our very best wishes to your new family.
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