Staying Strong Through The Ten of Swords Tarot

I have now been doing the tarot card reading articles for well over a year now and this is the one card that I kept passing over as it is such a challenging card. Some readers look at the Ten of Swords as a growth card by going through something called the “Dark Night Of The Soul” period in your life. Growth definitely comes with the hard times whether you make the needed serious changes to your life or you run like hell in the other direction, waiting for the deep wounds, betrayal, loss and hard times to be over. Neither of them works at getting rid of the pain, since some are definitely brought on by karma catching up with you or a brick thrown through your car window…. shit happens.

The Ten of Swords marks endings through pain. This card can also suggest that you have taken on the role of ‘victim’ hoping that others support will change things for the better. You cannot change the actions of another person, but you can change how you respond to them and therein lies THE lesson, learning to be self-contained as you walk through betrayal, disappointment, feelings of failure and possibly embracing for a time, that role of victim. The Ten of Swords is indicating that you should accept your current circumstances without resistance and allow the “bad” to flow over you, as there is really nothing you can do about the present situation. The good news is that the Ten of Swords inevitably marks the ending of the ordeal.

The reversed Ten of Swords encourages you to re-evaluate your circumstances and let go of any aspect of your life that is no longer serving you. Rather than dwelling on painful situations of the past, it is essential to look ahead and realize how these events can free you to reshape your life and choose a new direction for yourself.

Story continues below…

Considering getting a tarot card reading? We have carefully screened and selected a range of gifted, compassionate tarot readers to provide clarity and new insights into your life. Online readers available 24/7.


In general, like many of the Swords suit, the Ten of Swords does indicate a tough time is being experienced or about to. When the Ten of Swords shows up, it is a clear signal to be careful about where you put your trust.

You are being guided to a situation that is better for you through challenge. Trust your intuition and trust that this too shall pass.

Career, Love, Money, Health, Spirituality

Career: The Ten of Swords usually signals that you are about to lose your job, either by choice or pink slip. This could actually be a good thing if you have stayed long at the show. Don’t waste your time and energy plotting revenge or dwelling on how unfair life can be. Life is NOT fair; it is an experience for you to mold it into your soul’s growth. Just get on with the next phase of your life.

Love & Romance: In relation to love, this is unfortunately not a good card to pull. Either something about the love situation you are in is not quite right, so don’t close your eyes to those obvious red flags. You cannot force someone to love you or to change for you.

Money: In terms of finances, this Ten of Swords prepares you for a disappointment. This is not, under any circumstances a time to take chances with your income. If money has taken a downturn for you or someone you trusted has not been a person of their word, don’t beat yourself up. We all trust a fool, at least once in our life.

Health: Your health situation may show that you have been struggling with how to make better progress with your health issue. Be careful in what healer and what methods you put your trust. Don’t be afraid to try unconventional healing energies when traditional medicine is not getting you anywhere. There is much more to life than what we see with our physical eyes, and miracles (a shift of perception) can happen every day. However, you have to be sure that you are doing your part.

Spirituality: The Ten of Swords may allow you to finally let go of what has not worked for you in awhile. Again, being careful where you put your trust in terms of spiritual teachers. Let your heart and referrals lead the way.

Susan Z’s Verdict

The Ten of Swords is a tough demand regardless of what answers you are searching for. It calls for us to lift our faith and trust to what rings true from within, regardless if everything seems to be crumbling around you. Holding onto the belief, that life ebbs and flows and what usually challenges us, will make us stronger and wiser.

Considering getting a tarot card reading? We have carefully screened and selected a range of gifted, compassionate tarot readers to provide clarity and new insights into your life. Online readers available 24/7.



Susan Z Rich is an emotional addiction counsellor, spiritual intuitive and holistic therapist. She counsels others to see life in a more positive way and teaches personal accountability for life choices. She is also the author of several children’s books and Soul Windows … Secrets From The Divine.


  1. Heaven Scent

    My health is fine,
    My career is fine.
    My love will return amd will be fine
    My happiness withing is fine.

    This site is supposed to be truthful and give positive insight this email is a scare tactic however, My GOD IS AWESOME.

  2. That was a pretty good reading of a card today. I know which aspects are true and which are not. Good job!

  3. Susan Z

    Thank you for your comments on the reading of this tarot card, the Ten of Swords. No cards in the tarot deck are meant to bring fear or predict doomsday but there are some suites that serve as a heads up that maybe something is needed to be looked at. As Rebecca stated, you take what you resonate to and dump the rest. It would be nice if a tarot deck only contained cards of definite happiness ahead for the rest of your life but life is life and occasionally we do face challenges and that is what the more “direct” cards can do, help us with those challenges when they arrive. To Heaven Scent: No tarot card reading is ever used as a scare tactic, our 7th Sense readers are always positive and uplifting and truthful. And sometimes, life sucks and there are particular tarot cards that point that out. I love the input on the readings but want to make sure the message is received clearly. Your personal take on a reading of a particular card is just that, your personal take.
    Psychic Susan Z