Stevie Wonder Stuns NYC Concert By Taking A Knee For America
Well, now the “Kneel For America” resistance has spread to the music industry. The great R&B icon Stevie Wonder, joined that resistance at his NYC concert. Stevie Wonder began his performance at the Global Citizen concert in New York’s Central Park on Saturday night by announcing that he was “taking a knee for America.” “Whenever you need to interrupt hate, stand down bigotry, condemn sexism and find love all of our global brothers and sisters every day,” the legendary R&B singer said from the stage. “Tonight, I’m taking a knee for America.”
The musician, who is blind, was helped to his knee by an assistant, before announcing to the crowd: “But not just one knee. I’m taking both knees.” He followed by indicating that his gesture was not merely a form of protest but an act of prayer: “Both knees in prayer for our planet, our future, our leaders of the world and our globe, Amen.” “I wanted to see that prayer before I serve you my musical meal. Is that OK?” he said, before kicking off his set with “Master Blaster.” While singing his hit “Signed, Sealed, Delivered” later in his performance, Wonder also offered a shout-out to Senator John McCain, who had announced on Friday his plan to reject the latest Republican bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. “Sing it for Senator McCain,” Wonder said. “It’s about doing the right thing.”
The “Kneeling In Prayer For America” all started with one lone footbath player refusing to stand tall for the American flag in its treatment of minorities. Colin Kaepernick initially was alone in his protest and actually didn’t gain national attention until his third preseason game. Since then, he’s continued on with his protest while being joined by several other NFL players, other professional, college and high school athletes.
Now we are seeing it becoming a movement of just showing what we want America to stand for. We kneel for love, compassion and the belief we are all God’s creations and created equally so therefore should be respected and honored equally in our great country. Since Trump has become president, what America used to stand for has now become a resistance against his racism and elitist approach of the American people. Trump urged fans attending games to walk out of the stadium if a player kneels during the N.A. NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell clapped back at President Trump, saying he shows an utter lack of respect for the league … adding the Prez just doesn’t have a clue.
Susan Z’s Conclusion:
This is how a movement of reform for an unfair law, racism, homophobia and just plain hatred and unfairness begins: by one brave person willing to take a stand and not back down. Kaepernick has paid a high price for that rebelliousness in the NFL league. He is one of greatest quarterbacks on the field and as of yet, still has not been signed by any league. Kneeling is a form of reverence and that is how we want to feel about being an American, all of us! Now we have a big-time shooter in the music business picking up the movement. Our heroes!!!
Five of Cups:
Disappointment of a situation and hard to let go of the past. The is a very appropriate card when dealing with accepted injustices as long as it doesn’t affect you. Now we are recognizing it for what it is, an injustice whose time has come to be changed.
The Star:
Everything will turn out ok in a situation. I feel this card represents Kaepernick and how it will finally unfold for him in his footbath career.
King of Pentacles: Inverted (Upside Down)
This is a successful man that possessions are a representation of who he is. Since pulled inverted, I believe this card shows this is not about the money…as in not getting signed by a league or never coming to one of your concerts again but about doing the right thing!
I am sorry, but I don’t agree with your views about these multi million dollar idiots kneeling because they feel “oppressed” you are twisting their reasons for their oppression! They are not kneeling for America. They are knelling for themselves and their selfish ways, and you standing behind them, sickens me. I will not longer be using your website. May God and America be good to you, even though you are part of its destruction.
Sorry, I disagree with kneeling instead of standing for the American Flag as a method of protest.
It is very idealist to think that they will teach anyone a lesson. I find it totally immature and disrespectful to those who have die for this country.
The coaches and owners of the NFL team also knelt because it’s all about showing solidarity for those who make the big bucks happen…..the players.
Sorry, this is totally disrespectful to those who have died. You can call it anything you want but turn the cameras off and they will stop .
If they really feel so strongly about the minority then take the millions they earn and help the minority to grow to be productive citizens. The players could roll up their sleeves , when they’re not playing, and help the minority by building houses, teaching them to read, turn the crime in poor areas around.
Kneeling is wrong and disrespectful.