A Surprise for Jennifer Anniston

Jennifer Anniston is not only known for her famous roles as an actress, but also for her kind heart. She is caring and charity is in her very nature. Every year she and her husband host a Thanksgiving dinner for orphans. Although Justin Theroux had other commitments this year, this didn`t stop Jennifer from carrying on. Regardless of her own loneliness, she still cared for others.

Everyone loves Justin, and according to Jennifer, they were very disappointed that he couldn`t be there. She tried to lift the mood, but it didn`t happen. Little did she know that she was in for a big surprise, when her husband arrived before dessert.

“Everyone was just very somber. “Next thing you know,” she said, “turkey walks in and there was another turkey holding that turkey. And that was my hubby.”

The couple spent a few days together, and that was a blessed relief from the time they spent apart. While distance makes some people drift apart, others appreciate each other`s company more. And it seems like the latter is the case here. This was a lovely surprise, and one that will surely be remembered for a long time.

Let`s consult the cards to see what`s in store for Jennifer and Justin.

Psychic Timea`s Verdict:

Three of Wands for Jennifer: Everything is progressing as expected. There is a steady pace to life, and you know that your plans are working out. You are full of patience, but you need to keep an eye on new opportunities. You don`t want to miss something amazing, because you have everything figured out. Surprises and a bit of spontaneity can be good, too. Don`t be afraid of change, it will only enhance your life.

Ten of Wands for Justin: You feel the burden of responsibility at work, and it is stressful. You have worked hard, and the difficulties are nearly over. You can let go of those responsibilities and reap the benefits. However, you got used to it by now, so this might be difficult. Life isn`t just about work, you need to send more time relaxing and concentrating on what truly matters.

Eight of Swords Reversed for the Couple: Both of you have come to terms with your feelings by now. What didn`t work in the past is now rectified. The past is still restraining you as a couple, but there is a possibility of letting go of that aspect. You finally feel free and relaxed, knowing that better times are ahead. Spending time apart isn`t easy, but it helps clear your thoughts and take on a new approach.


Timea is a Psychic and Intuitive Empath, who uses her natural gifts along with her studies in Traditional Reiki to guide you through the process of self-healing. She is here to help you awaken your inner self.

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